This is a small utility to wake/boot up hosts on the network which support WoL via a magic packet.
It is still work in progress, any feedback/contributions are more than welcome!
There are alread quite a few WoL apps on the Microsoft Store, however i just kinda wanted to build my own *shrug*
Existing Features:
- send magic packets to any
- IPv4 address
- IPv6 address
- local network host name
- Add hosts via a nice little content dialog
- Hosts are automatically saved to localstorage
- Support x86, x64, ARM and ARM64
Planned features:
- add option to use roaming storage. Configurable via settings page
- make the number of attempts configurable
- detect if the host was woken successfully? sadly, ping is not available to uwp applications, so this one is not quite straight forward
- add an api to be called by other apps?
- integrate with the windows terminal app to run things like ssh once the host is woken? (is that possible?)
- fully responsive layout
- come up with a design that is not purely white?
- release to the store :P
- add this app to the winget repository