This Android application provides users with access to stock market information using the Alpha Vantage API. Users can view a list of listed stocks, along with company details and intraday information for each stock.
Listed Stocks:
- Fetches a large list of listed stocks from the Alpha Vantage API.
- Caches the list of all listed stocks for faster searching.
- Users can refresh the listed stock list by swiping down, ensuring the latest data is readily available.
Stock Details:
- Clicking on any stock allows users to view detailed company information and intraday information of that stock for the previous day.
- Note: If users view intraday information on Monday, the app will display Saturday's intraday information due to the market being closed on Sundays.
Refreshing the Intraday Information:
- Users can manually refresh the intraday information for the selected stock by clicking on the refresh icon.
Local Caching:
- Caches the list of all listed stocks for faster searching.
- Viewed stock details like the Intraday information and company information are saved into local cache, enabling offline access for subsequent views.
- Clean Architecture with MVVM
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose for UI
- Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
- Kotlin Coroutines & Flows
- Retrofit for Rest API integration
- Room Database for Local Caching
- Compose Destinations for Navigation
- Lottie animation
- Alpha Vantage API for providing an extensive array of stocks information.
- Compose Destinations for providing a wonderful library which makes the navigation in jetpack compose much smoother.