This project was created for the 2023 FBLA Coding and Programming Event. This project placed 6th at the FBLA National Conference in Atlanta. This project was created using the PyQT5 Library and a live SQLite Database system using Python SQLite3. For pictures of the application, go to the Application Data and Documentation Folder and open the corresponding documentation.
Spirit Quest is a simple, easy, and user-friendly application that allows for schools to improve their school spirit by tracking, monitoring, and rewarding students for attending school-based events. This application is split into 2 parts (students and administrators).
Features in the student side include a live announcement system that displays administrator announcements, calendar which shows all the events, an interactive map that shows the exact location of each event, points system that tracks which students have the most points, rewards to purchase, a community chat that allows students to talk to other students within the application, output reports that show their attended events and past purchases, FAQ page that answers common questions, and Spirit Assistant which is an AI tool that answers student questions.
Features in the administrator side include live approval of student points, creation of announcements, creation of new events and rewards, selecting a random winner from each grade and the winner with the most points, a live leaderboard view, a wholistic view of all the students, creation and deletion of students, an administrator report that allows admins to graph student data based on metrics (Ex: events attended by grade), a community chat, and answering personal student questions.
For this project, PyCharm Professional IDE was used for the development of the application. Only Windows and Macintosh were used for this project. To install PyCharm, follow the instructions on this page for your specific device:
To run this project, open the project with Github desktop or download the project as a zip file. Once saved on your local system, open the project with PyCharm Professional IDE. Install all the necessary imports and click the "run" button.
For more detailed instructions on running the project, go to the Application Data and Documentation folder and open the Spirit Quest User Documentation.pdf file. This file contains more detailed instructions on running the project.
Vivaan Rajesh - @vivaan2006
Adharsh Ramakrishnan - @AdhuBavu2