Command Line Interface for communicating with the Adaptive Services on the cloud.
Install this globally and you'll have access to the adaptive command anywhere on your system.
npm install -g adaptive-cloud-cli
adaptive -h
adaptive -V
adaptive help <command>
TODO: text TODO: Generate the gif again with another email
TODO: text
adaptive register <email>
? Enter your username: <username>
? Enter your password: <password>
adaptive login <username>
? Enter your password: <password>
adaptive logout
TODO: text
adaptive change-password
? Enter your new password: <password>
TODO: text
adaptive reset-password <email>
adaptive change-password
? Enter your key: <key>
? Enter your new password: <password>
TODO: text
adaptive unregister
? This command will delete all data associated with your account, are you sure?
TODO: text TODO: Generate the terminal gift
TODO: text
adaptive build
-h, --help output usage information
-s --skip-dist Skip the grunt dist task.
-p --dist-folder [path] Specify the dist folder. default: dist
-v --verbose Prints more information on the build
TODO: text
adaptive status <id>
TODO: text
adaptive log <id>
TODO: Generate the terminal gif
TODO: text
adaptive download <id>
TODO: Generate the terminal gif
Hybrid apps are applications that are built using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript web technologies and use a native "containers" to package the app to enable access to the native functionalities of a device. In essence, you can write a rich mobile/wearable/tv application using HTML and JavaScript and package that application as a native app for multiple mobile/wearable/tv platforms and distribute them on the different app stores and markets.
The Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP) provides these native "containers" to package apps for the main mobile, wearable and desktop platforms... and other platforms as they emerge. Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP) and sub-projects are open-source under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP) project was created by Carlos Lozano Diez as part of the set of products.
Please refer to the project site for more information.
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are a just a few small guidelines you need to follow to ensure that you and/or your company and our project are safeguarded from inadvertent copyright infringement. I know, this can be a pain but we want fair-play from the very start so that we're all on the same page. Please refer to the project site for more information.
- Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP) artwork by Jennifer Lasso.
- Project badge artwork by
- All other logos are copyright of their respective owners.
All the source code of the Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP), including all Adaptive Runtime Platform (ARP) sub-projects curated by Carlos Lozano Diez, are distributed, and must be contributed to, under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The license is included in this repository.
Forged with ❤️ in Barcelona, Catalonia · © 2013 - 2015 / Carlos Lozano Diez.