Releases: AdamWaldie/WaldosMissionPack
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.7.2
Nothing to see here......
This update mainly comprises various patches/updates to support the new ACE3 update that occurred the week of 18OCT23 and some minor fixes/re-releases that have been performed during time away from my IRL work.
What's Changed
- ACE3: Closing arsenal saves player loadout by @Kelso-Shaw in #19
- Found some time to fix the annoying default team cosmetic syntax error (By completely re-writing it to add more flexibility in that function)
- Physcial Map Marker replacement & Adding directly onto the map is now possible. Please see inside "MissionScripts\Logistics\LogiHelpers" at "createNewMapLocation.sqf" and "replaceMapLocationName.sqf" respectively. Works in DedicatedMP.
- Numerous small fixes and improvements
Next on the list to tackle is the refactor of the description.ext scraping system because its a mess, and I havent had the energy to fix it for months.
New Contributors
- @Kelso-Shaw made their first contribution in #19
Full Changelog: v4.7.1...v4.7.2
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.7.1
The first "minor" update to the mission pack in the 4.7 series. All new/altered features have had their wiki pages updated, so first port of call should be there. Legacy impact on older versions being updated to 4.7.1 should be A-Ok.
COMPOSITIONS HAVE BEEN UPDATED to reflect these changes, and to add a new example for AutoFortify. Replace your local copies!
- Updated the intotext.sqf splash screen and starting text per VAO request. (See Wiki page for details)
- Added a tool to automatically setup a fortify list for a given side with dynamic prices based on mass and bounding box dimensions.
- This allows for Objects and static weapons only. Behaviour for vehicles in fortify is.... explody....
- Altered Stater crates so that they no longer spawn with anything in them bar Ammo.
- Altered Supply Crate behaviour so that you are able to request crates with the following options:
- Just Primary and Secondary Ammo & Throwables.
- Ammo + Launchers + Launcher Ammo.
- Ammo + Equipment/Clothing.
- Everything at once.
- Updated the Supply Crate ZEN module to allow it to make use of this change.
- Updated the team color setting function to increase the match rate.
Full Changelog: v4.7.0...v4.7.1
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.7.0
Boy, Oh Boy, we have alot on the plate today. Reworked ACRE presetting, a massive amount of refactoring and lots of new features. Its time for a major release candidate number!
The wiki will be updated with the new features and reworks over the coming weeks, each file is as always properly labelled so you can get the most out of the pack.
- Created MissionInit Folder
- Moved Old ACRE2 Init into MissionInit
- Moved Vehicle Action Folder into MissionInit
- Renamed MissionFlow to MissionFlowAndUi to properly represent contents
- Updated function referances appropriately
- Enabled automatic team colouring based on role description.
- Added 20 Briefing documents to various headers in the map screen per request of 11MEU.
- Reworked ACRE2 radio LR Radio presetting (Channel Naming is not happening, Vietnam flashbacks occured - use the ingame module.)
- Added automated AN/PRC-343 channel allocation.
- Added Automated CEOI generation for the ACRE radio setup
- Added Automated Babel setup
- Added Automated Babel information document generation.
Full Changelog: v4.6.3...v4.7.0
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.6.3
- Added starting animations to introtext (val)
- Updated wiki page to note changes and usage
Full Changelog: v4.6.2...v4.6.3
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.6.2
- Added user-requested features:
- Respawn flavour text alongside Title text.
- MHQ ease of use revamps and overhaul.
- Construction object tweaks to allow for the packing of objects into vehicles without losing interaction.
- Teleport & Move in cargo script rewrites.
It can be found here:
It's being actively maintained and provides tutorials on all major features in the pack alongside the general quickstart guide. Why not take a look and see what you think?
Known issues:
- If multiple people start Unpacking the MHQ concurrently, it will generate two markers and spawn points. This is non-pressing but is being looked at.
Full Changelog: v4.6.1...v4.6.2
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.6.1
- Vehicle Camo Script fully implemented. Later updates will expand its functionality.
- Converted MassAttachItems.sqf to the gamelogic approach shared with the MHQ, Construction Objects and Camo Scripts.
- Removed Exemplar Mission from the pack (Outdated). Will be replacing it in future.
- Updated the compositions to reflect the changes of 4.6.0 & 4.6.1. Please replace these in your user profiles compositions folder.
- Changed the loadout saving system to continue functioning, given the December 2022 game update.
Known issues:
- If multiple people start Unpacking the MHQ concurrently, it will generate two markers and spawn points. To Be fixed in 4.6.2 Hotfix.
Full Changelog: v4.6.0...v4.6.1
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack V4.6.0
- ACE3 re-write of most scripts.
- MHQ, Construction & Quartermaster scripts rewritten with ACE interact focus.
- These scripts no longer require layer names and simple work off of syncing attached objects to a game logic placed next to the interact point.
- Vehiclecamo Script created by Val has been parameterised and implemented within this release alongside the overhaul. He is added to the credits of this pack.
- Startercrate updated with ace interaction option for loadout saving
- Unnesiccary logging disabled
- Moved ConstructionObjects.sqf from Extras into Logistics/Construction
- Added most WW2 factions to the Ai skill adjustment.
- init.sqf simplified and cut down.
- Fix for respawn system
Known issues:
- If multiple people start Unpacking the MHQ concurrently, it will generate two markers and spawn points. To Be fixed in 4.6.1 Hotfix.
- The vehicle camouflage script is partly functional at this time. The exit triggers currently do not work. To Be fixed in 4.6.1 Hotfix.
Full Changelog: V4.5.8...V4.6.0
- Defined new AI Factions for Ai Script Application (VAO HALO Campaign).
Known issues:
- Let me know!
Full Changelog: V4.5.7.1...V4.5.8
- Separated ENDEX SAFE END systems from mission roll. Mission makers can now call ENDEX, and end the mission itself separately via the "Custom End Mission" Zeus Module.
- Enhanced the ENDEX script itself to delete projectiles from player weapons and crewed vehicles, as well as making player assets invulnerable after ENDEX is called. ACE Grenades MAY also be contained, but I haven't been able to confirm this yet.
- Added the ability to specify the length of time a "timed hint" may appear onscreen as part of Waldo_fnc_TimedHint, rather than just relying on the default 10 seconds.
Known issues:
- Let me know!
Full Changelog: v4.5.7...V4.5.7.1
[WMP] Waldos Mission Pack 4.5.7
- Bugfix for the unrestricted arsenal section of the Starter crate. Improper boolean check of whether you wanted an unlimited arsenal was the culprit.
Known issues:
- Let me know!
Full Changelog: v4.5.6...v4.5.7