- San Francisco
- www.adamwagner.io
- All languages
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Alt-tab alternative for macOS written in Rust (under construction)
A Web-App that uses Machine-Learning to predict a persons chances of surviving the Titanic Wreckage as a Passenger
A wrapper around yabai for better dual-monitor support
Emulate the dwm-style master-stack window layout in yabai!
A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
MacOS Menubar Applet for showing spaces and switching spaces easily
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
Help overlay for yabai, inspired by regolith-linux's help overlay.
Python script to turn off retweets for all users
The best RSS Search experience you can find
Best OpenComputers kernel? Cynosure about that.
❄️ My dotfiles for NixOS and macOS as a Nix flake. Neovim, Fish shell, Wezterm, etc.
Simple and ready configuration for neovim(nvim) with LSP. Inited with rust and go support
A Visual Map Maker and Level Editor for the game Celeste but better than the other one