Mapper Service
A service to mapping edifact or csv files to Transport and PacketCSV objects using Smooks library. It uses akka builtin server.
Needs Basic Authentication.
id: String, // UUID
serviceName: String, // The name of Microservice: ups, dpd...
configFile: String, // The name of first smooks configuration file.
messageType: String, // edifact or csv
encoding: String, // utf or windows
files: [
id: String, // id from request
csvResponse: { // if messageType in request is csv, otherwise is empty
success: ["filename":"filecontent"],
error: ["filename":"error message"]
edifactResponse: { // if messageType in request is edifact, otherwise is empty
success: ["filename":"filecontent"],
error: ["filename":"error message"]
statusCode: Integer // 2 HTTP error codes: BAD_REQUEST or OK