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problem with integer geometry attributes and batched shader execution #1929



I'm seeing a problem with batched execution that I've managed to distill to the repro case below with testshade. Basically, if I have an integer geometry attribute, then batched OSL execution seems to disregard what the renderer writes to the destination depending on what the default value is specified in the shader. For eample, suppose I have a shader with the following parameter declaration, int face_idx = 0 [[int lockgeom=0]], the value returned by the renderer doesn't make it to the shader. But in this case it does: face_idx = 2 [[int lockgeom=0]]. FWIW, a value of '1' also fails.

This is based on OSL-v1.14.2.0 which goes dates back to September so it's possible this has been fixed?

Here's my example shader:

shader example(int face_idx = 0 [[int lockgeom = 0]],
               output color dst = 0)
    dst = color(face_idx * 0.25, 0, 0);

A patch to add the face_idx user-data to batched testshade:

diff --git a/src/testshade/batched_simplerend.cpp b/src/testshade/batched_simplerend.cpp
index ea2acbdf..6618fba7 100644
--- a/src/testshade/batched_simplerend.cpp
+++ b/src/testshade/batched_simplerend.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ struct UniqueStringCache {
         , red("red")
         , green("green")
         , blue("blue")
+        , face_idx("face_idx")
         , lookupTable("lookupTable")
         , blahblah("blahblah")
         , options("options")
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ struct UniqueStringCache {
     ustring red;
     ustring green;
     ustring blue;
+    ustring face_idx;
     ustring lookupTable;
     ustring blahblah;
     ustring options;
@@ -663,7 +665,17 @@ BatchedSimpleRenderer<WidthT>::get_userdata(ustringhash name,
     // For testing of interactions with default values
     // may not provide data for all lanes
-    if (name == ucache().s && Masked<float>::is(val)) {
+    if (name == ucache().face_idx && Masked<int>::is(val)) {
+        printf("found face_idx!\n");
+        Masked<int> out(val);
+        for (int i = 0; i < WidthT; ++i) {
+           if (out[i].is_on()) {
+               out[i] = int(4 * bsg->varying.u[i]);
+           }
+        }
+        return out.mask();
+    }
+    else if (name == ucache().s && Masked<float>::is(val)) {
         Masked<float> out(val);
         for (int i = 0; i < WidthT; ++i) {
             // NOTE: assigning to out[i] will mask by itself

Command line:
env TESTSHADE_BATCH_SIZE=16 testshade --batched --res 256 256 -o dst output.exr example

Here are the images I get:

With face_idx = 0 [[in lockgeom=0]] I get the wrong image:


With face_idx = 2 [[in lockgeom=0]] I get the expected image:


Is anyone able to reproduce this?





batch shadingSpecific to the SIMD batch shading back end


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