Tags: Aboshedab/Aurora.3
Merge pull request Aurorastation#10432 from Baystation12/dev-freeze Dev freeze -> Master
Merge pull request Aurorastation#8827 from comma/dev-freeze Some fixes
Merge pull request Aurorastation#7964 from Baystation12/dev-freeze Dev-Freezer -> Master v0.1.17 Botswan Punchout
Merge pull request Aurorastation#7704 from Zuhayr/borers Borer tweaks
- Mechs can no longer enter the shuttle - AI can view and take photographs - Hydroponics and Xenoflora rewrite - Calamity mode - New icons for Psychologists, cortical borers, cyborg components, hair, others. - Stun baton adjustments - Handcuffs now require an agressive grab to use - Mining has been resprited and surface ores have been adjusted - New mining alt-titles - XGM gas mixtures added (no gameplay effect). - Atmospheric omni-devices added. - Goggles can be toggled - Comfy chairs now have armrests. - pAI updates and addition of mobility system. - Floor tile painter - Adjustments to IB - Laser cannon damage buffed. - Map fixes - Power and atmos refactoring, tweaks, and fixes. - Remapped security. - Remapped engine room - Nuke OP shuttle and outpost remapped.
- hardsuit breaching - rewrittern fire - Supermatter now glows and sucks things into it as it aproaches critical temperatures - wheelchairs - cargo trains - hardsuit cycler - rewritten lighting (coloured lights) - new mining machiney and new smelting - new autolathe - mutiny mode - nano ui airlock and docking controllers - Rewritten shuttle code - Derelict Z-level replacement: construction site - Computer3 laptops - Constructable SMES units - Omni-directional atmos machinery - climbable tables and crates - Xenoflora added to science - Utensils can be used to eat food - Card decks - Service robots can speak alien languages - Botanist renamed to gardener - Hydroponics merged with kitchen - Latejoin spawn points (Arrivals, cryostorage, gateway) - Cats and borers can be picked up - Species-specific gear icon handling