This is the Android App for track the running progress & statistics
App Features:
- User select the start destination and start running and it is shown in Google map updated location as user running
- Also app shown notification to user about the current running progress and can pause and resume the running progress
- Once the running completed saved in the database(room) alongwith running statistics like below
- Total distance of running, Total time of running, Average Speed of the user, Total calories burned during the one running session
- User can sort the pervious running statistics based on Total time, Average speed, Calories Burned & Total distance of running
- Can edit the weight as user running progress increases
Tech Used:
- Navigation component
- Google-map API
- Foreground Service
- Recycler-View
- MVVM archicture
- Prefence datastore
- Dagger-hilt
- MP-android chart
- Room-database
- LiveData
- Navigation safe-args
- Runtime permission's
Map View, User Notifications, Permissions Requests and User Statistics Screens
User Login, All Runs in RecyclerView, Settings Screens