*Installation: -install flutter Sdk -install text editor (android studio or VS code) -intsall android emulator or work with your android after enabling developer mode
*Package Installation:
-at pubspec.yaml file add your plugins into dependencies or dev_dependecies an run the command "pub get"
or use built in button in android studio "get packages"
*Accessing Database or mocking server using variable "baseUrl" in main.dart file you can also change between real database and mocking through "config.txt" file
*Run unit test: -switch to main test file from android studio tool bar -use inline test run/debug feature to initialize the test
*generation of code coverage report: -run the command "flutter test -- coverage" in android studio terminal. -you will get file.info which is converted to HTML through lenuix -download text editor named "atom" open file.info from it -then click "ctrl -> alt -> C"
*Run for developers: -after installing required tools -open project then run it on emulator using the green arrow
*Build and run production apk file: -through CMD: cd 'the directory of the project' flutter run build apk -- release
*generating documentation report: -through CMD: cd 'the directory of the project' "DartDoc"