We've supported lookup editors for reference properties Batch Edit List Views. Starting with v19.2, the code-based solution described in the How to: Edit a Reference Property in the Batch Edit Mode topic is not required. Lookup editors are shown out of the box.
The demo project from this repository provides the following navigation items.
This item illustrates a simple lookup.
This item illustrates how the ImmediatePostData attribute works in Batch Edit lookups. The ListView's calculated properties (FullName, BooleanPropertyAsString, SquaredNumberProperty) are updated immediately after changing the lookup property.
The item illustrates how Cascading Filtering for Lookup List Views works in Batch Edit mode. The ListView has two lookup properties: Country and City. The City lookup items are populated based on the value selected in the Country lookup.
This item shows how the lookup editor handles large data sources. The demonstrated lookup has 100000 rows, and Server mode is enabled in its model.