You can style your notes by adding poem
to cssclasses.
You can use Style Settings Plugins to change the background colour and fonts.
To add dividers to you poems, use this html tage: <div class="divider">🙚</div>
You can also center the text, and heading 1 using center-text
and center-heading
> [!top-n|no-i]
> <span style="color: var(--link-color);font-size: 20px; font-family: Fragment Mono Regular;text-align: -webkit-center"> MEDIA</span>
> [[MediaDB|:LiHome:]] [[2024 - Media Showcase|:RiMovieLine:]] [[Watch List|:LiFilm:]] [[Reading List|:LiLibraryBig:]]
Contribution by A Mortal Fool(@amortalfool) in Discord Cursor Sourced from Obsidian Forum: Divider Sourced from Obsidian Forum:*/