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Atomsky's cursor compiler


Theming cursors for different standards is a curse. accurse alleviates the curse by allowing you to package hyprcursor and xcursor in a manageable way. accurse can

  • compile hyprcursor and xcursor from SVG assets,
  • recolor cursor shapes using string replacements,
  • flip (mirror) shapes horizontally to make left-handed versions,
  • compute consistent hotspots after rescaling and mirroring,
  • compile xcursor themes for any given list of sizes,
  • and do all these with minimal dependencies.


accurse is a python package. Install it with:

pip install accurse

For development and access to included themes, clone the repository and install it locally:

git clone
cd accurse
pip install .

I highly recommend running pip in a python virtual environment.


Ensure the following commands are available in your PATH:

  • rsvg-convert
  • xcursorgen

On Arch Linux, install them with:

sudo pacman -S librsvg xorg-xcursorgen


To compile a cursor theme, provide the path to a metadata.toml file that defines cursor shapes, aliases, and hotspots.

accurse path/to/metadata.toml

For example, if you have cursor assets in assets/Bibata along with metadata.toml, run:

accurse assets/Bibata/metadata.toml

This will generate compiled hyprcursor and xcursor themes in assets/AC-Bibata. Move AC-Bibata to ~/.local/share/icons and update your system's cursor settings. Here's an example script for changing cursor settings globally.

Directory Structure

A project structure might look like this:

  ├── Bibata/
  │   ├── metadata.toml
  │   ├── help.svg
  │   ├── left_ptr.svg
  │   ├── progress/
  │   │   ├── progress-01.svg
  │   │   ├── progress-02.svg
  │   │   └── ...
  │   ├── text.svg
  │   ├── wait-01.svg
  │   ├── wait-02.svg
  │   └── ...
  ├── AC-Bibata/   # Output directory after running accurse

Metadata Specification

The metadata.toml file defines the theme, settings, and cursor mappings. A snippet of a metadata file:

name = "Bibata"
description = "Modified Bibata for Me"
version = "0.1"
author = "My Name"

shape_size = 64
x_hotspot = 32
y_hotspot = 32
old_substr = ["#00FF00", "#0000FF"]
new_substr = ["#FFFFFF", "#000000"]
mirror = 1
xcur_sizes = [24, 32, 48, 64]
cleanup = ["hycur", "xcur"]

x_hotspot = 5
y_hotspot = 5
symlinks = ["default", "arrow"]
flips = 1

symlinks = ["wait"]
animated = 1
anim_delay = 25
flips = 0

See templates/metadata.toml for a full-length example.

The following tables specify what accurse looks for in the metadata file:


Field Type Description Required
name string name of the theme yes
description string description of the theme yes
version string version of the theme no
author string author of the theme no


Field Type Description Required
shape_size number size of the (square) SVGs yes
x_hotspot number default hotspot x-coordinate yes
y_hotspot number default hotspot y-coordinate yes
old_substr list of strings target substrings no
new_substr list of strings replacement substrings no
mirror 0 (default) or 1 mirror shapes with flips=1 flag no
xcur_sizes list of numbers compile xcursors of these sizes no
cleanup list of strings delete "hycur" or "xcur" build files no


This table should have [cursors.shape] sub-tables. A shape means a single cursor in a theme, such as left_ptr, text, and wait. If you define a static shape using [cursors.shape], accurse will search for shape.svg recursively in the directory that contains metadata.toml. If you define an animated shape with [cursors.shape], accurse looks for shape*.svg recursively. This allows you to have files like shape-01.svg, shape-02.svg, and so on. The expected key/value pairs for sub-tables follow:


Field Type Description Required
x_hotspot number hotspot x-coordinate no
y_hotspot number hotspot y-coordinate no
symlinks list of strings shape aliases no
animated 0 (default) or 1 whether it's animated no
anim_delay number delay between frames (ms) if animated
flips 0 (default) or 1 whether to flip shape if mirror=1 no


Look into the assets directory for a few ready to use cursor themes. Simply modify the provided metadata.toml files in the theme subdirectories and run accurse on them to generate your own custom themes. Here's a glimpse of what is possible:

Cursor Showcase


Copyright (C) 2025 ATM Jahid Hasan
accurse is released under the GNU AGPL.


Atomsky's cursor compiler








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