Tired of comment spam, form spam and dumb crawlers? A django application that provides middleware for blocking IPs listed in stopforumspam.com's database. It only reacts on POST requests, so don't worry about a huge table of rules having to be passed at every request. It's quite painless.
A simple management command is provided for updating the database from stopforumspam.com:
manage.py sfsupdate [--force]
Using this command, all IPs are stored in Django models, and using django-admin, it's possible to add your own extra IP addresses on a permanent database.
Install the latest release from pypi:
sudo pip install stopforumspam
Add this to settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
Then add this to INSTALLED_APPS
And run:
python manage.py syncdb
To insert all the IPs run this command, which you should make a cronjob (run it every 24h).
python manage.py sfsupdate
You may remove stopforumspam from your INSTALLED_APPS after, if you do not wish to see it in your admin pages.
The following options exist for your project's settings.py file:
To check ALL POST requests:
To ignore some URLS:
SFS_URLS_IGNORE = ["url_name", "/url/path"]
To only include some URLS (only works if SFS_ALL_POST_REQUEST=False):
SFS_URLS_INCLUDE = ["url_name", "/url/path"]
Be nice to their servers and remember that they have strict enforcements on the files that they offer. So before you start testing, you could consider using a local file as a test.
To configure where to download the file from (you can MAX download 2 times a day) - see http://www.stopforumspam.com for more resources:
SFS_SOURCE_ZIP = "http://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_7.zip"
But you should really use a local file if you have more than 1 Django project with stopforumspam running from the same IP address. To do this, use a local protocol:
SFS_SOURCE_ZIP = "file:///path/to/listed_ip_7.zip"
You can control how often at most the update should be performed
...and how long back the log should remember the rejection of POSTS and IPs.
SFS_LOG_EXPIRE = 1 #days
Remember to configure this as well -- it's the name of the file inside the .zip file:
SFS_ZIP_FILENAME = "listed_ip_7.txt"
For testing you can force all requests to be checked.
You probably want to automatically update the list of blocked IP addresses every 24 hours or 48 hours. To do that, you can insert a line in crontab.
0 2 * * * python /your/project/path/manage.py sfsupdate
The above would update at 2 AM every night. If you have several projects and sync them with a local file, you can add:
0 2 * * * wget -O /tmp/listed_ip_7.zip http://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_7.zip ; python /your/project/path/manage.py sfsupdate