Right now, the cookiecutter assumes we're making a plugin that will run one process (workflow) and create one type of product.
This is how hyp3-autorift is organized and how we historically made plugins, but we've moved to a more "processor" based plugin for most of our plugins:
- hyp3-gamma produces RTC (was hyp3-rtc-gamma) and InSAR (was hyp3-insar-gamma) products
- asf-tools produces water map and flood map products
- DockerizedTopsApp creates GUNW SLC and Burst SLC products
Supporting multiple products is typically done via a python entry points and argparse trick. Similarly,
- RAiDER only provides one HyP3 entry point but does provide others as it was an existing tool we added support to
We could:
- Always include the basic entry point + argparse setup for multiple plugins (overly complicated and likely confusing when not needed), or
- Provide both templates via:
- Ask how many products this plugin will make (now, or later) and conditionally add in the entry point + argparse setup
- Just document the entry point + argparse setup
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