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Amiriox's dotfiles


Items with strikethrough lines indicate that these configurations are no longer in use,
but are still configurable

  • Zsh Theme amx: amx.zsh-theme
  • Hyprland: hypr/hyprland.conf
  • Hyprpaper: Swaybg instead
  • Neovim: nvim/*
  • Waybar: waybar/config, waybar/style.css
  • Rofi: rofi/config.rasi, rofi/themes/*
  • Kitty: kitty/kitty.conf
  • Mako: mako/config
  • i3wm: i3/config
  • Picom: picom/picom.conf
  • Polybar: polybar/*
  • Tofi: tofi/config
  • Neofetch: neofetch/*
  • Brightness: br.c
  • Other Tools: yazi, fzf...


  • Zsh Theme:
$ cp amx.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
$ vim ~/.zshrc # ZSH_THEME="amx"
  • Hyprland, Kitty, Waybar
$ cp -r hypr ~/.config/ # The directory is like "~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf"
$ cp -r kitty ~/.config/ # ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
$ cp -r waybar ~/.config/ # ~/.config/waybar/config ~/.config/waybar/style.css
  • Neovim
$ # Also see in nvim/
$ $ git clone --depth 1\
$ nvim  # :PackerSync 
  • rofi
$ # Also see in rofi/
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/rofi/themes
$ cp themes/rounded-common.rasi themes/rounded-nord-dark.rasi ~/.local/share/rofi/themes/
  • mako
$ cp -r mako ~/.config/ # ~/.config/mako/config
$ makoctl reload
$ notify-send 'Title' 'Text' -u normal
  • Brightness
$ # Also see in br.c
$ su
# gcc br.c -o br
# chown root br
# chmod u+s  br
# mv br /usr/local/bin/
# setcap cap_dac_override+ep /usr/local/bin/br
  • i3wm, picom, tofi
$ cp -r i3 ~/.config/       # ~/.config/i3/config
$ cp -r picom ~/.config/    # ~/.config/picom/picom.conf
$ cp -r tofi ~/.config/     # ~/.config/tofi/config
  • polybar
$ # Also see in polybar/
$ cp -r polybar ~/.config/
$ # Complicated to customize, honestly
  • neofetch
$ cp -r neofetch ~/.config/


Necessary Note

  1. Package AUR/hyprland.git may cause the transparency effect of the terminal to fail in tile mode (Good in floating window mode).
    Solution: use extra/hyprland instead of AUR/hyprland.git
    Remember to replace AUR/hyprutils-git with extra/hyprutils as well!

  2. Package extra/rofi may experience a problem of retaining borders then the height of the candidate area is shortened in Wayland, and the animation effect is abnormal.
    Solution: use extra/rofi-wayland instead.