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Unified Change Detection Framework

Powered by Huggingface Hub 🤗


Weikang Yu, Xiaokang Zhang, Richard Gloaguen, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Pedram Ghamisi


11.11.2024 UCD is open to everyone! Be a contributor by sending a pull request!

11.11.2024 Codes for UCD have been released, if you find any problems or bugs, please leave us a message.

09.11.2024 Our paper of MineNetCD has been published on IEEE TGRS 2024, the repo for MineNetCD is available here.

09.07.2024 The UCD project is announced on IEEE IGARSS 2024, we are organizing the codes.

Environment Preparation:

Create a conda environment for UCD

conda create -n ucd python=3.10
conda activate ucd
conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configurate the accelerate package:

accelerate config

How to use:

To train a model:

accelerate launch --config $CONFIG$

An example of CONFIG can be configs/DTCDSCN_MNCD256.yml

Or if you want to run the framework in Singularity & Slurm, you can use this command:

srun singularity exec --env PREPEND_PATH=/home/yu34/.local/bin --nv /home/yu34/ucd.sif accelerate launch --config $CONFIG$

To test a model:

accelerate launch --model $PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH$ 

An example of PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH can be a local path like checkpoints/MNCD256/ResUnet/BestF1/ or a Huggingface hub id like HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ResUnet

To push a pretrained model to Huggingface hub in the UCD format:

accelerate launch --model $LOCAL_PATH$ --batch-size 10 --push-to-hub $HUB_NAME$

The example of LOCAL_PATH can be checkpoints/MNCD256/ResUnet/BestF1/, the example of HUB_NAME can be HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ResUnet

To transfer a model from torch format (e.g., pytorch_model.bin) to UCD compatible format:

You should prepare a config file in your directory, an example can be found via configs/MineNetCD_MNCD256.yml

accelerate launch --external-config configs/MineNetCD_MNCD256.yml  --batch-size 10 --push-to-hub HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ChangeFFT

The use_external_checkpint will be set to false before uploading the model to the hub.

To calculate model parameters & FLOPs:

python --config $CONFIG$

Available Models:

Model Backbone #Params FLOPs Source
A2Net VGG16 3.60M 2.86G IEEE TGRS 2023
AFCF3D ResNet18 16.83M 29.54G IEEE TGRS 2023
BIT ResNet18 11.39M 8.28G IEEE TGRS 2021
CGNet VGG16 37.18M 81.66G IEEE JSTARS 2023
ChangeFormer MIT 39.13M 129.7G IEEE IGARSS 2022
DMINet ResNet18 6.44M 16.16G IEEE TGRS 2021
DTCDSCN - 39.17M 10.72G IEEE GRSL 2020
FC-EF - 1.29M 2.92G IEEE ICIP 2018
FCNPP - 14.56M 43.10G IEEE GRSL 2019
HCGMNet VGG16 45.13M 301.82G IEEE IGARSS 2023
ICIFNet ResNet18 24.64M 22.97G IEEE TGRS 2022
MSPSNet - 2.11M 13.89G IEEE TGRS 2021
RDPNet - 1.62M 1.63G IEEE TGRS 2022
ResUnet - 12.59M 28.51G IEEE IGARSS 2021
SiamUnet-Conc - 1.47M 4.55G IEEE ICIP 2018
SiamUnet-Diff - 1.29M 3.99G IEEE ICIP 2018
SNUNet - 11.48M 43.6G IEEE GRSL 2021
TFI-GR ResNet18 27.06M 9.09G IEEE TGRS 2022
TinyCD EfficientNet-b4 0.27M 1.44G NCA 2023
MineNetCD SwinT-Tiny 57.81M 63.28G This Paper

Available Datasets:

Dataset #Patches Scenario Location Sensor Resolution
CLCD 2400 Cropland Guangdong, China Gaofen-2 0.5m-2m
EGY-BCD 6091 Building Egypt Google Earth 0.25m
GVLM-CD 7496 Landslide Global Google Earth 0.59m
LEVIR-CD 10192 Building Texas, USA Google Earth 0.5m
SYSU-CD 20000 Urban Hong Kong, China Aerial Image 0.5m
MineNetCD 71711 Mining Global Google Earth 1.2m

Our Results:

Here are results derived from the UCD


Dataset for these implementations: ericyu/CLCD_Cropped_256

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net CLCD256 0.9199 0.3765 0.4474 0.3250 0.2319 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-A2Net
BIT CLCD256 0.9488 0.6590 0.6526 0.6657 0.4915 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-BIT
DMINet CLCD256 0.9392 0.5744 0.5990 0.5517 0.4029 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-DMINet
ICIFNet CLCD256 0.9416 0.5629 0.6355 0.5052 0.3917 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-ICIFNet
RDPNet CLCD256 0.9288 0.5431 0.5194 0.569 0.3727 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-RDPNet
SiamUNet-Diff CLCD256 0.9358 0.4914 0.5983 0.4169 0.3257 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-SiamUDiff
ChangeFormer CLCD256 0.9431 0.6214 0.6151 0.6279 0.4508 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-CLCD256-ChangeFormer


Dataset for these implementations: ericyu/GVLM_Cropped256

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net GVLM256 0.9776 0.8114 0.9156 0.7285 0.6827 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-A2Net
BIT GVLM256 0.9841 0.8768 0.8974 0.8572 0.7807 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-BIT
DMINet GVLM2256 0.9825 0.8664 0.8738 0.8591 0.7643 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-DMINet
ICIFNet GVLM256 0.9831 0.8722 0.8735 0.871 0.7734 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-ICIFNet
RDPNet GVLM256 0.9827 0.868 0.875 0.8611 0.7668 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-RDPNet
SiamUNet-Diff GVLM256 0.9801 0.8431 0.8791 0.81 0.7288 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-SiamUDiff
ChangeFormer GVLM256 0.9831 0.8685 0.8943 0.8441 0.7675 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-GVLM256-ChangeFormer


Dataset for these implementations: ericyu/EGY_BCD

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net EGY_BCD 0.9624 0.6914 0.7283 0.6581 0.5284 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-A2Net
BIT EGYBCD 0.9735 0.7906 0.8016 0.7799 0.6537 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-BIT
DMINet EGYBCD 0.9585 0.6929 0.6591 0.7304 0.5301 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-DMINet
ICIFNet EGYBCD 0.9621 0.6903 0.7241 0.6595 0.5270 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-ICIFNet
RDPNet EGYBCD 0.9612 0.6859 0.7125 0.6612 0.5220 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-RDPNet
SiamUNet-Diff EGYBCD 0.9524 0.6422 0.6191 0.6671 0.4729 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-SiamUDiff
ChangeFormer EGYBCD 0.9651 0.7181 0.7436 0.6944 0.5602 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-EGYBCD-ChangeFormer


Dataset for these implementations: ericyu/LEVIRCD_Cropped256

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net LEVIRCD256 0.9699 0.6687 0.7613 0.5962 0.5023 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-A2Net
BIT LEVIRCD256 0.9888 0.8884 0.9046 0.8728 0.7992 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-BIT
DMINet LEVIRCD256 0.9845 0.8431 0.8708 0.8171 0.7287 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-DMINet
ICIFNet LEVIRCD256 0.9827 0.8162 0.8871 0.7558 0.6895 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-ICIFNet
RDPNet LEVIRCD256 0.9808 0.8058 0.8315 0.7816 0.6747 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-RDPNet
SiamUNet-Diff LEVIRCD256 0.9805 0.5991 0.7822 0.6874 0.6423 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-SiamUDiff
ChangeFormer LEVIRCD256 0.9826 0.8232 0.8516 0.7967 0.6996 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-LEVIRCD256-ChangeFormer


Dataset for these implementations: ericyu/SYSU_CD

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net SYSUCD 0.8812 0.7598 0.7260 0.7969 0.6126 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-A2Net
BIT SYSUCD 0.873 0.7497 0.7004 0.8064 0.5996 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-BIT
DMINet SYSUCD 0.8881 0.7464 0.8014 0.6984 0.5954 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-DMINet
ICIFNet SYSUCD 0.8640 0.703 0.7248 0.6825 0.5421 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-ICIFNet
RDPNet SYSUCD 0.8852 0.7536 0.763 0.7445 0.6047 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-RDPNet
SiamUNet-Diff SYSUCD 0.8546 0.5991 0.8563 0.4608 0.4277 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-SiamUDiff
ChangeFormer SYSUCD 0.8912 0.7593 0.7938 0.7277 0.612 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-SYSUCD-ChangeFormer


Dataset for these implementations: HZDR-FWGEL/MineNetCD256

Model Dataset Accuracy mF1 Precision Recall cIoU Pretrained_Path
A2Net MineNetCD256 0.9185 0.6404 0.7215 0.5758 0.4710 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-A2Net
AFCF3D MineNetCD256 0.8932 0.5772 0.5755 0.5789 0.4061 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-AFCF3D*
BIT MineNetCD256 0.9115 0.6227 0.6727 0.5795 0.4521 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-BIT
ChangeFormer MineNetCD256 0.8699 0.4995 0.4848 0.5151 0.3329 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ChangeFormer
CGNet MineNetCD256 0.9004 0.547 0.6412 0.477 0.3765 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-CGNet
DMINet MineNetCD256 0.8963 0.5169 0.6257 0.4403 0.3485 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-DMINet
DTCDSCN MineNetCD256 0.8984 0.5567 0.6184 0.5068 0.3864 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-DTCDSCN*
FC-EF MineNetCD256 0.8836 0.415 0.5625 0.329 0.2619 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-FCEF*
FCNPP MineNetCD256 0.8549 0.3449 0.4004 0.3030 0.2084 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-FCNPP
HCGMNet MineNetCD256 0.9076 0.5876 0.6718 0.5222 0.4161 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-HCGMNet
ICIFNet MineNetCD256 0.8915 0.5018 0.5958 0.4334 0.3349 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ICIFNet
ChangeFFT MineNetCD256 0.9251 0.6963 0.7120 0.6814 0.5343 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ChangeFFT
MSPSNet MineNetCD256 0.8998 0.5591 0.6277 0.5041 0.388 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-MSPSNet
RDPNet MineNetCD256 0.8768 0.4961 0.5120 0.4811 0.3298 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-RDPNet
ResUnet MineNetCD256 0.8663 0.5072 0.4727 0.5488 0.3398 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-ResUnet
SiamUNet-Conc MineNetCD256 0.8979 0.5099 0.6460 0.4211 0.3422 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-SiamUConc
SiamUNet-Diff MineNetCD256 0.8956 0.3736 0.7671 0.2469 0.2297 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-SiamUDiff
SNUNet MineNetCD256 0.8988 0.5371 0.6351 0.4654 0.3675 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-SNUNet*
TFI_GR MineNetCD256 0.8932 0.5772 0.5755 0.5789 0.4061 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-TFIGR*
TinyCD MineNetCD256 0.8999 0.5648 0.625 0.5153 0.3936 HZDR-FWGEL/UCD-MNCD256-TinyCD
* Pretrained Models may only be loaded using accelerator with multiple graphical cards.

Tutorial Avaiable!

We just added a very simple example as a tutorial for those who are interested in change detection, check here for more details.

Future Development Schedule:

We will implement more models and datasets. If you are interested in this project and want to make any contributions, please send a pull request and we will add your names under the contributors!

If you have any questions or meeting any difficulties when using this framework, please leave us with an issue or you can contact us with email address:


We would like to thank Huggingface for providing a wonderful open-source platform. We would also like to thank all the authors and contributors who open-sourced the datasets and models that we incorporated into the UCD platform.


If you find MineNetCD useful for your study, please kindly cite us:

  author={Yu, Weikang and Zhang, Xiaokang and Gloaguen, Richard and Zhu, Xiao Xiang and Ghamisi, Pedram},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
  title={MineNetCD: A Benchmark for Global Mining Change Detection on Remote Sensing Imagery}, 
  keywords={Data mining;Remote sensing;Feature extraction;Benchmark testing;Earth;Transformers;Annotations;Graphical models;Distribution functions;Sustainable development;Mining change detection;remote sensing;benchmark;frequency domain learning;unified framework},


Unified Change Detection Framework







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