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a minecraft mod with status effects that decreases quality of life


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Annoying Effects


A Minecraft mod that adds many status effects that are usually not lethal but will make players feel uncomfortable. This mod will be used in Lantern-in-Storm for negative effects in the unstable area.

All effects are not explicitly stated and need to be discovered by the players themselves.

✅ = implemented for player

✳️ = implemented for mobs

❇️ = can be amplified

✔️ = will not be implemented for mobs / be amplified

Name / CodeName Effect Tags Dream duration / interval; Nightmare duration / interval Implemented Icon
Tangling nightmare Randomly applies status effects from this table. Players cannot use milk. / / ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Enchanted Pumpkin Head
Tangling dreams Randomly applies non-Nightmare tag status effects from this table. / / ✅✳️❇️ ✅Candles
Anorexia Cannot use food. Handicap 0; 200/200 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ No Bread
Curse of not eating carrot / CarrotCurse Receives a stack of poisonous potatoes every tick. Handicap 0; 60/1200 (only if the player eats too few carrots) ✅✔️✔️ ✅ Poisonous Potato
Channeling (Only during thunderstorms) A lightning bolt strikes around every 20 ticks (with a certain probability of hitting). Damage, Adaptable, Terrachanging, Nightmare 0; 20/100 (only during thunderstorms) ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Trident
Essence of fire / ChaoticExplosion Continuously causes explosions (average 50 ticks). Damage, Terrachanging, Nightmare 0; 15/600 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Alchemy Symbol for Fire
Where am I? / ChaoticTeleportation Triggers a chorus fruit teleport every 10 ticks. SevereHandicap, Nightmare 0; 5/200 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Popped Chorus Fruit
Mad miner / ControlsAlwaysDig Continuously digs. Adaptable, Terrachanging, Nightmare 5/600; 30/300 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ Red Pickaxe
Where is the toilet? / ControlsAlwaysJump Continuously jumps. Adaptable 30/600; 60/600 ✅✳️✔️ ✅ Toilet
Twitching / ControlsChaoticUse Randomly uses the main hand item (average 50 ticks). HighlyAdaptable 30/600; 120/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ 👋
I am a crab / ControlsCrab Cannot move forward or backward. HighlyAdaptable, Nightmare 0; 120/600 ✅✳️✔️ ✅ 🦀
Mirror / ControlsMirror Left-click to move right, right-click to move left. HighlyAdaptable 30/600; 120/600 ✅✳️✔️ ✅ □|□
Short arms / ControlsShortReach Reduces reach distance by 1. Adaptable 30/600; 120/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ 🦖
Crawler Crawls. Adaptable, Nightmare 0; 60/600 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ Trapdoor
Creeper? / Creeperphobia Creepers are no longer rendered. Randomly hears creeper explosion sounds. Subtle 60/600; 120/600 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ Creeper Head Front
Curse of vanishing One-fifth of the items in the inventory disappear upon death. Subtle 25/100; 50/100 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ Missing Texture *4
Crafting fatigue / DisableCraftingTable Cannot interact with crafting tables or crafting stations. Handicap 10/600; 60/600 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ No Crafting Table
Where is my bag? / DisableInventory Cannot open the inventory (similar to being in a Nether portal). SevereHandicap 10/100; 10/100 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ No Bundle
Insomnia / DisableSleeping Cannot interact with beds. Phantoms spawn in the open. Handicap, Nightmare 0; 120/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ No Bed
Gaze / EndermanHostile Attracts the hatred of all Endermen. Subtle 0; 120/600 ✅✳️✔️ ✅ Enderman Head
Heaviness Goes down in any situation. Increased gravity and fall damage. Fall damage in water. Adaptable, Nightmare 0; 60/600 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Anvil
Horseless Horses around explode. Subtle, Nightmare 0; 5/300 (riding: 60) ✅✳️❇️ ✅ No Horse
Misfortune Drops fewer items when mining. Subtle, Nightmare / ❌ Hard to implement ✅ No Diamonds
Oppressed Must keep head down with a pitch of at least 18 degrees. Adaptable, Uncomfortable 10/600; 10/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ Lead
ReallyCold Freezes (similar to powdered snow). Cannot jump. Damage, Nightmare 0; 3/200 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Powder Snow Bucket
ReallyHot Burns. Damage, Nightmare 0; 3/200 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ Lava Bucket
Repeater Repeats what the last person said. Joke 60/600; 120/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ Redstone Repeater
Schizophrenia Shifts the viewpoint origin and model rendering position 0.91 east. SevereHandicap / ▶️✔️▶️ ✅ Crack
Slippy Reduced friction and acceleration (similar to walking on ice). HighlyAdaptable, Nightmare 0; 120/600 ✅✳️✔️ ✅ Ice Block
Spin Continuously spins counterclockwise. SevereHandicap, Uncomfortable 3/600; 5/300 ✅✔️❇️ (works for slimes) ✅ 🌀
Swapping hands Swaps main and off-hand items every 20 ticks. SevereHandicap 6/400; 10/200 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ ✋↔️🤚
Targeted Attracts all nearby projectiles, including your own. Subtle, Nightmare 0; 120/600 ✅✔️❇️ ✅ Target Block
Voiceless Cannot chat. Joke, Nightmare 0; 120/600 ✅✔️✔️ ✅ Sculk Shrieker
Vulnerable Takes 50% more damage. Subtle 30/600; 120/600 ✅✳️❇️ ✅ 💔
Memories of the old world / WaterFilling Continuously generates water within a radius of 3 air blocks. Destroys air-containing blocks. Removes conduit power. Damage, Adaptable, Terrachanging, Nightmare 0; Water time ÷ 5/15 (only if water time > 75) ✅✳️✔️ ✅ Water (Block)
Blindness Vanilla Handicap, Nightmare 0; 30/600 / /
Darkness Vanilla Adaptable 30/1200; 60/600 / /
Hunger Vanilla Subtle 30/1200; 60/600 / /
Infested Vanilla Damage, Nightmare 0; 120/600 / /
Levitation Vanilla Damage, SevereHandicap, Nightmare 0; 10/200 / /
Mining fatigue Vanilla Adaptable 30/600; 60/600 / /
Nausea Vanilla Joke, Nightmare 0; 10/200 / /
Slowness Vanilla Adaptable 30/600; 60/600 / /
Weakness Vanilla Subtle 30/600; 120/600 / /
Wither Vanilla Damage, Nightmare 0; 10/600 / /

Features that may be added in the future:

  • Amplifier for every effect(Done)
  • Nightmare may apply effects with amplifier(Done)
  • Nightmare may be applied to mobs(Done)
  • Color for every effect
  • Potions
  • Config: you can turn on 'always nightmare' for better(?) game experience

Annoying effects that may be added in the future:

  • Sleepy: You will suddenly fall asleep while walking.
  • Driven: You will keep walking forward.
  • Unstable: After being injured, you will drop random items (the probability of dropping a single item is about 1%, regardless of the number of items in the inventory).
  • (Only in the Overworld) Set your personal respawn point to the current location.
  • No escape: If you die when holding this effect, you retain this effect and you respawn where you die.
  • When opening a loot chest, all items in the chest turn into poisonous potatoes (enchantments are retained).
  • Zero gravity: Lose gravity.
  • Noclipped: No longer clip for a moment. (The duration is very short so the player usually do not suffocate.)
  • Infectivity: Your harmful status effects randomly spread to nearby living entities.
  • Exacerbation: Your harmful status effects randomly get their amplifiers increased.
  • Weaving: Vanilla.


a minecraft mod with status effects that decreases quality of life







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