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The Choking Tower Lv 9 - 12

Table of Contents

Advancement Track

Level XP Progression Milestone
9 PCs begin at Lv 9 PCs begin at Lv 9
10 After completing Part 3 After completing Part 3
11 After completing Area F After completing Area F
12 After completing Part 4 After completing Part 4

Part 1: Intrigue in Iadenveigh

Approaching Iadenveigh

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Iadenveigh Lore): DC 15 - Know that visitors are meant to introduce themselves at High Home.

Monster on the Farm (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Gather Information (Diplomacy): DC 20 - To find out Jevik hasn't been seen in 3 days.
    • Track (Survival): DC 15 - To follow the tracks northeast.
  • Creatures:
  • Loot: Gifted by Redfang if PCs haven't been overtly using technology.

Unmasking the Spy (60 XP, Low Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Varisian Lore): DC 20: - To recognise the finger-cymbals as a traditional Varisian dancer's instrument.
    • Recall Knowledge (Performance): DC 25: - To recognise the finger-cymbals as a traditional Varisian dancer's instrument.
    • Request (Diplomacy): DC 28 - To coax an answer out of the Varisian lumberjacks.
  • Creatures:

Part 2: Into the Aurora

Before power is returned to the wreck, all doors here are shut unless otherwise mentioned. Shut doors can be opened with the following:

  • Attacking Doors have Hardness 10, HP 40 (BT 20)
  • Force Open (Athletics) DC 25
  • Disable a Device (Thievery) DC 25 - Remember to add a -5 penalty if an e-pick^ charge wasn't expended.

The Cursed Well (4 XP, Trivial Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Climb (Athletics): DC 20 - To climb down the well.
  • Hazards:
    • 1x glyph of warding - The glyph casts sound burst at 4th level, triggered by any creatures pushing the capstone without saying the password first. DC 27.

The capstone on the well has 40 Bulk, meaning it likely needs at least 4 creatures to push the stone off the well (see rules for dragging items)

A1. Recordkeeping (68 XP, Low Threat)

A2. Administration

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Iadenveigh Lore): DC 20 - To know of the legend of Furkas Xoud.
    • Recall Knowledge (Arcana, Nature): DC 23 - To know Xoud's companion is invisible.

A3. Malfunctioning Android Foundry (40 XP, Trivial Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Engineering Lore): DC 25 - To recognise this facility as once capable of producing androids, and has been reactivated several years ago.
  • Creatures:

A4. Storage Room

A5. Machine Shop (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

The door to this room has been repaired and only needs a single Interact action to open.

  • Creatures:
  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Engineering Lore): DC 30 - To recognise the components here were intended to create a long-range communication device.
    • Recall Knowledge (Extraterrestrial Lore): DC 30 - To understand the meaning of Seerath's panic about the Dominion of the Black.
  • Loot:

A6. Android Barracks (40 XP, Low Threat)

A7. Pantry

A8. Lively Awfulness (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Force Open (Athletics): DC 32 - To wrench open the cap on the tube.
    • Disable a Device (Thievery): DC 27 - To wrench open the cap on the tube.
  • Creatures:

A9. Demarcation Line (8 XP, Trivial Threat)

A10. Robot Battlefield (60 XP, Low Threat)

A11. Guard Post (60 XP, Low Threat)

A12. Canister Access

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Society): DC 20 - For a PC that knows Androffan to recognise the sign on the door as a biohazard warning sign.

The door here has Hardness 18, HP 72 (BT 36)

A13. Gas Canisters (40 XP, Moderate Threat)

A14. Nanotech Laboratory (30 XP, Trivial Threat)

Part 3: Smokewood

Gathering information on Furkas Xoud

Using either Recall Knowledge (Iadenveigh Lore) or Gather Information (Diplomacy):

DC Information
20 1st level of information
25 2nd level of information
30 3rd level of information

The information gotten will be on page 26 of Pathfinder Adventure Path #87: The Choking Tower (Iron Gods 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

B. Hill Giant Campsite (60 XP, Low Threat)

C. The Buried Killer (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

D. Longdreamer's Lair (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

  • Creatures:
  • XP Award: If the PCs agree to help Longdreamer out, award the XP as if they had defeated her.

E. Secret Entrance

  • Skills:
    • Seek (Perception): DC 35 - To find this entrance to the Choking Tower's Dungeon (see area G6)

Part 4: Below a Smoke-filled Sky

NB: The loose loot entries such as the tapestries in F23 or the alchemical components in F29 have been purposefully omitted as the amount of treasure the PCs already overwhelms the expected loot rewards for the level progression. GMs with kleptomaniac PCs can either say the loot is ruined from smoke and experimentation, or just forbid them to offload it at Iadenveigh due to the peoples' superstitions.

F1. Choking Tower Entrance

  • Skills:
    • Track (Survival): DC 20 - To follow the tracks back to the Hill Giant Campsite
    • Disable a Device (Thievery): DC 30 - To jury-rig repairs for the wheel.

F2. Front Hall (6 XP, Trivial Threat)

F3. Guard Post (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

F4. Hallway (120 XP, Severe Threat)

Note that Furkas Xoud only attacks for 2 rounds before retreating.

F5. Kitchen (8 XP, Trivial Threat)

  • Hazards:
  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Nature): DC 15 - To know the mold in the sink is harmless.

F6. Library

F7. Reading Nook (60 XP, Low Threat)

F8. Staff Quarters Hall (8 XP, Trivial Threat)

F9. Staff Quarters (60 XP, Low Threat)

F10. Supply Closet

  • Skills:
    • Force Open (Athletics): DC 10 - To peel the nanite coccoon off the wall.
    • Seek (Perception): DC 30 - To notice a tiny crack in the wall where the coccoon was.
    • Identify Technology (Engineering Lore): DC 30 - To know the nanites are laying dormant until brought near what they're supposed to do.

F14. Third-Floor Stairwell

  • Skills:
    • Seek (Perception): DC20 - To notice another nanite coccoon wedged near the ceiling in the northern part of the stairwell.

F15. Lab 1: Alchemy

F16. Lab 2: Fluid Siponing Research (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

F17. Lab 3: Gaseous Ooze Research (100 XP, Moderate Threat)

F18. Fourth-Floor Atrium (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

F20. Lab 4: Animal Research (60 XP, Low Threat)

F21. Lab 5: Internal Vapors Research

F23. Master Bedroom (136 XP, Severe Threat)

  • Hazards:
  • Loot: Secret Shelf
    • 3 spellbooks. Contains all spells Furkas Xoud has prepared and an additional:
      • 1 6th-level spell
      • 1 5th-level spell
      • 1 4th-level spell
      • 1 3rd-level spell
      • 1 2nd-level spell
      • 4 1st-level spells
      • 6 cantrips
  • Creatures:

Note that Furkas Xoud retreats after taking 30 damage.

F26. Private Study (60 XP, Low Threat)

F27. Foundry (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

  • Creatures:
  • XP Award: For each Azer that survives the fight, award the PCs 20 XP

F29. Storage Closet

F30. Forge Supplies (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

F32. Trapped Robotics Storage (40 XP, Moderate Threat)

F34. Lab 7: Quasi-Gaseous Research

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Occultism): DC18 - To recognise the remains are vampiric mists that have died.

F35. Lab 8: Swarm Behaviour Studies (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

F36. Lab 9: Smoke and Particle Research (40 - 180 XP, Trivial to Extreme Threat)

Note that Furkas Xoud retreats almost immediately.

F37. The Pyrolitic Spire (120 XP, Severe Threat)

G. Choking Tower Dungeon

G2. Conjuration Preparation

  • Loot:
  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Planar Lore): DC24 - Identifies the flies in the notes as ones exhaled by leukodaemons

G3. Conjuration Chamber (60 XP, Low Threat)

G4. Wind Tunnel (90 XP, Moderate Threat)

G5. Shrine to Zyphus (60 XP, Low Threat)

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Religion): DC17 - To recognise the room as a shrine to Zyphus.
  • Creatures:

The deathtrap ooze is currently in its Trap Form as a Bone-Scything Lash^.

G6. Escape Tunnel

  • Skills:
    • Seek (Perception): DC 30 - To notice this section appears to be different than the surrounding wall.

G7. Hive Mind Research (80 XP, Moderate Threat)

G8. Smoke Furnace

  • Skills:
    • Disable a Device (Thievery): DC 35 - To open the door to G9
    • Force Open (Athletics): DC 40 - To open the door to G9
    • Recall Knowledge (Engineering Lore): DC 25 - To know that using a nanite canister^ on the door can reduce the above DCs to open it by 5.
  • XP Award: Grant the PCs 40 XP when they manage to open the door to G9.

G9. Lab Zero: Mnemotechnic Recovery (160 XP, Extreme Threat)

Here is the only place where Furkas Xoud fights to the (re)death.

Missions in Numeria

The appendix of this book offers three side-quest adventures that can be done after completing the Choking Tower if a few optional encounters were missed.

Black Beacon (Level 9)

  • Skills:
    • Climb (Athletics): DC 30 - To scale the shattered dome of the submerged ship.

A1. Observatory

  • Skills:
    • Recall Knowledge (Engineering Lore): DC 25 - To reactivate some of the ship's systems with a battery charge.

A2. Elevators

  • Skills:
    • Force Open (Athletics): DC 30 - To pry open the elevator doors without reactivating the ship's systems.

A3. Stasis Chamber (60 XP, Low Threat)

A4. Deck Hall (8 XP, Trivial Threat)

A6. Galvo Lair (60 XP, Low Threat)

  • Creatures:

A7. Escape Pods

Demons of Dravod Knock (Level 10)

B2. Ruined Tower

  • Loot:
    • 135 gp in gems

B4. Cellars (12 XP, Trivial Threat)

B5. Barn (130 XP, Severe Threat)

Scars of the Past (Level 11)

C1. Old Huts (60 XP, Low Threat)

C5. Cavern (15 XP, Trivial Threat)

C6. Cavern Lookout (120 XP, Severe Threat)

Iadenveigh Gazetteer

1. The High House

Iadrin "Redfang" Ashworth (LG male human elite hunter 8, Indifferent, Perception DC 29, Will DC 27)

4. Trashspeaker Cabins

Thelpin (N male half-elf druid 5, Indifferent, Perception DC 23, Will DC 23)

Kifkin (N male half-elf druid 5, Indifferent, Perception DC 23, Will DC 23)

5. Yennivin Farm

Yallis Yennivin (LG female human farmer 5, Friendly, Perception DC 21, Will DC 21)

7. Edlund's Boneyard

Actus "Cricketlegs" Edlund (LG male human groundskeeper 3, Friendly, Perception DC 18, Will DC 20)

8. Derviec's Orchard

Marjeana Derviec (LG female human commoner 3, Friendly, Perception DC 18, Will DC 18)

10. The Perfect Map

Wares cartography supplies, survey maps

Theska Longeye (LN female human cartographer 6, Indifferent, Perception DC 23, Will DC 23)

12. Heddick's Lumberyard

Heddick Widefoot (LG male human lumberjack 3, Friendly, Perception DC 19, Will DC 19)

13. Ealdorman's House

Ivik Gunnett (LG male human sorcerer 8, Friendly, Perception DC 28, Will DC 28)

15. Ayggler's Astronomery

Wares magical items, divination services, occult spellcasting

Gervic Ayggler (N male human witch 6, Indifferent, Perception DC 23, Will DC 25)

16. Tannery Compound

Wares hide and leather armor.

Feltic Dozenfingers (LN male halfling tanner 4, Indifferent, Perception DC 20, Will DC 20)

17. Hands of the Community

Wares adventuring gear, potions (but not alchemical elixirs)

Tameline Atser (LG female human shopkeep 5, Friendly, Perception DC 21, Will DC 23)

18. Bardleigh Chippers

Emmina Bardleigh (LG female human quarryman 4, Indifferent, Perception DC 20, Will DC 22)

19. Longbitter Lake


Iadenveigh Encounters

The following are Low to Moderate Threat encounters for the listed party level.

d% Result Party Level
01-04 1d4 elite hodag 9
05-10 1d4 elite cave bear 9
11-13 1d4 totenmaske 9
14-17 1 yaoguai^ 9
18-21 1d12 withered 9
22-33 Cruel Coven 9
34-36 1d4 guecubu 10
37-38 1d6 elite jungle drake 10
39-43 1d4 treant 10
44-53 2 aurumvorax 10
59-63 1d4 elite hill giant 10
64-73 Sadistic Necromancer 10
74-77 1d4 tick swarm 11
78-80 1d4 tikbalang 11
81-83 2 bebilith 11
84-87 1d4 baykok 11
88-94 Helpful Hunter 11
95-97 1 athach 11
98-100 1 viper vine 11

Cruel Coven (Level 9)

Sadistic Necromancer (Level 10)

Helpful Hunter (Level 14, Friendly)