deepselect is a Ruby image recognition library using DeepLearning. This library makes it easy to search for images.
deepselectはDeepLearningを使ったRubyの画像認識ライブラリです。 簡単に画像検索ができます。
require 'rmagick'
require "deepselect"
# 5 coffeeshop logo images (famous in Japan)
image_list = [
"logo_doutor.jpg", "logo_stmarc.png",
"logo_komeda.jpeg", "logo_starbucks.png",
# Read Image
images = do |name|
image_dir = "./images/"+name
image =
# Read another Starbucks Image
starbucks_image ="./images/image_starbucks.png").first
puts "input: #{"./images/image_starbucks.png"} " # => ".images/image_starbucks.png"
# Search the array for the image most similar to the given image
selected_image = images.dselect{|dimage| dimage == starbucks_image}
puts "most similar image: #{selected_image.filename}" # => ".images/logo_starbucks.png"
images.dselect(take: "deafult", with: "") &block
Specify how many of the most similar images to retrieve. Interger 1,2,3... or String "all" are accepted.with:
Specify whether to output similarity and index. String are accepted. (ex. "similarity, index" )
As an example, when outputting two images with similarity:
stmark_photo_image ="./images/photo_stmarc.jpg").first
selected_image = images.dselect(take: 2, with: "similarity"){|dimage| dimage == stmark_photo_image}
p selected_image
# => [
# [./images/logo_stmarc.png PNG 542x542 542x542+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 372kb, 0.9097266348649801],
# [./images/logo_tully's.jpg JPEG 667x666 667x666+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 72kb, 0.6602779726625289]
# ]
By caching feature vectors, the speed of the second search is faster than that of the first search.
If you want to pre-store the feature vectors, use the dinit method.
images.dinit # calc feature vector
selected_image = images.dselect{|dimage| dimage == compare_image}
install the gem:
gem install deepselect
deepselect requires installation of Menoh and imagemagick.
Please check the page of github Menoh for installation Menoh.
deepselect is MIT license.
Note: Thankfully data/VGG16.onnx is download from ''.
That model is generated by onnx-chainer from pre-trained model which is uploaded at
That pre-trained model is released under Creative Commons Attribution License.