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An investigation of new architecture template

Java Spring project with MyBatis ORM.

Using technologies:

Backend:    Java
            Spring security
            Spring config
Frontend:   Jade Templates/Freemarker
Collector:  Maven
DB:         MySQL
VCS:        Git
Ideology:   DDD (domain driven design)


This project was started as an attempt of using DDD (Domain Driven Design) ideology with Java Web technologies. DDD offers more business oriented application building approach than traditional methods.

Also we have used MyBatis ORM instead of Hibernate, which is more usual for Java Spring web applications, because we've already created a lot of Hibernate projects, and we are tired of its behavior. Nowadays Java specialists prefer to use Hibernate entities configured with Java annotations, but as a result you have heavy-weight entities in every layer of your application. Moreover Hibernate used in lazy mode often contains unnecessary data increasing entity weight and sometimes disregarding security requirements.

On the other side, MyBatis provides you a way of obtaining only information you need for certain request. So MyBatis will be more appropriate ORM when using with DDD.

Project allows realize multi-module project with separate settings, messages, resources for each module. We've used spring-mvc-router plugin for Rails-like method of work with application routing.


As this application were build with DDD approach, we will explain its architecture from frontend layer to backend up to repository backend layer: the same way it was building.


Jade Templates

We've used Jade Templates instead of JSP because Jade is more modern technology saving your time not duplicating XML-like dialect, which is too excessive for human use. As disadvantage you loose all JSTL tags and should implement them, if you need any, in your application and provide a way you could interact with them from templates.


Also we've realized opportunity of using freemarker templates engine, so you may choose, which configuration should be enabled into config block and then write template with more comfortable for you engine.

We've moved out views from war, and now you shouldn't redeploy application after each change.

SCSS and CoffeeScript

It's a simple and fast alternative to CSS and Javascript, having no drawbacks except need of compiling on every application rebuild.


Bootstrap is nice for building demonstration applications until design is not ready for production. It looks fine, and usually there are no issues with moving from it to production-ready design.


Grunt and koala are used for compiling, minimization etc static resources as .coffee, .scss and so on. We've moved out resources from war file, so you shouldn't redeploy application after each change script or style. Config files for grunt: package.json and Gruntfile.js Config file for Koala: koala-config.json


Java Spring

Spring framework is standard for Java Web Application and there are no comparable alternative. Our application is built with Spring configured with Java config and annotations. No XML-configs for Spring as it's most trendy viewpoint to get rid of them.

Layer 1: Web Layer

On this layer we have Controllers and all corresponding stuff: Resolvers, Filters and Interceptors. Also because we've used Jade/Freemarker instead of JSP for our templates, we were forced to implement some things, like localisation message getter method, on this layer too. This methods are in Helper part of it. The only logic we left on controller layer is sending request to Transition layer, and translating exceptions to certain error web pages if any is thrown. Controller layer should not contain any business logic, it should interact with templates only.

Layer 2: Transition Layer

This layer contains all binding classes between web layer and service layer with business-oriented tasks. We've used it for storage forms and validators, selection logic for different requests, presentation models from POJO to front-oriented views etc.


This is container which calls all needed methods after receiving some request from web layer and up to sending special prepared view object backward to controller. It validates forms, get some POJO model and presents it, also sets errors, if need.


Forms, which contain all input parameters from web layer.


Class for presentation POJO model to special View model with localized success or error messages.


Utils for message localization. Gets message from localized .properties file by the message's key. May build different messages from message template, which placed in property file also.


Form validator. It's used for validation of form's fields by simple rules like limitation on text length or maximum allowed number etc.


Special model, which contains all needed fields for current front-template. May include different messages, pagination.

Layer 3: Service Layer

Business-oriented layer.In Service layer we check all security concerns: whether user is performing request he have permission to do, if not, we throw Security Exception. Also here we transmit any technical exceptions we get from repository. Service layer should be independent from the source we obtain data from, so we have no idea we got it from database on this layer.


It's used for validation by some business rules, for example if only one field from several may be included. Also we should use it, if we need to check smth in repository (is email unique or not).

Layer 4: Repository Layer

Repository Layer is divided on classes by Model. As all security measures were implemented on Service Layers, we do not check them here. The only thing we check is whether parameters are correct or not. Also application could throw Repository Exception from this layer, if there are any difficulties with obtaining information from database or performing request. It's DAO layer if you use more common definition. If you like use Java API of MyBatis, then Mapper Interfaces should be placed there.


All models we use on business layers of our application are defined here. They are very lightweight - POJO (Plain Old Java Objects).


Spring is configured with java config. Most of things like filters usually configured in web.xml are configured there too. This layer do not interacts with any other part of application directly.


MyBatis is JDBC-like ORM which offers a way of interacting with database in your Java application not in such handy manner like Hibernate, but you have a benefit from using it: lightweight Model objects in any part of your project. And you can modify any SQL request to database if you want to increase speed of slow interactions.


This project was built using Domain Driven Design. So we used some unusual techniques in the process of developing it. And all of them are not visible when application is complete. We have separate methods for each of our use cases in any layer. We can easily implement any new use case by adding methods to all business layers. Or we can easily remove one of them if our customer do not want it more. With such flexibility application have pretty code and can be easily maintained. Moreover you can show working application to customer from the second day since job started!


An investigation of new architecture template






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