Eventr is a web app that makes planning events a breeze. Scheduling, voting, payments, and notifying friends are as easy as entering the right information; the app will handle the rest for you. Being a participant is just as easy with the app being a one stop shop to vote for events, submit payments, and communicate about events.
##Technology Stack
- Front-End - Angular 1.5
- Server - Node/Express
- Database - MySQL
- Overlay on Server - Socket (for simultaneous users) Socket.io enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. It is useful for things like chat clients and simultaneous collaboration.
##Features Completed
- Create an Event
- Event Polling
- Voting Functionality
- Notification Broadcasts
- Authentication with Tokens
##Features Pending
- Chat Client
- Payments Handling
- Email & Calendar Hookup
- Deployment
- Test Suite
- Encryption & Salt for Passwords
##Install & Getting Started
- Fork the repo
- bower install
- npm install
- mysql.server start
- mysql -u root < server/database/3vnt_mysql_create.sql
- npm start
- open localhost:8000 on browser
- minor MySQL error where SELECT queries only pull one row of data
- random redirects
- Scrum Master - Thomas Ingalls
- Product Manager - Genevieve Sublette
- Team Member - Jonathen Chen
- Team Member - Haoming Huang