aims to streamline the identification of walk bouts from accelerometry and gps data.
Set working directory to be rwalkabout/R
Edit and run rwalkabout/analysis/analyze_all_subject_seattle.R
can be configured to any gps and accelerometry (acc) data, as long as you write the respective acc/gps file reader.
The reader should be a function that reads the data and return to rwalkbout
with a predefined format.
Below outlines what inputs rwalkbout
will give to the function and what returned format rwalkbout
Note: ensure that date_time returned by both readers are in the same time zone
accepts a parameter acc_file_path
returns a dataframe with columns date_time,count
cast to tibble with as.tibble()
collapse/interpolate to make epoch period=15s
Example outputs and data types:
> acc_data$date_time[1]
[1] "2016-12-10 00:00:15 PST"
> class(acc_data$date_time[1])
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
> acc_data$count[1]
[1] 251
> class(acc_data$count)
[1] "numeric"
accepts a parameter gps_file_path
returns a dataframe with columns date_time,latitude,longitude,speed
, latitude and longitude should be positive/negative based its N/S, W/E
cast to tibble with as.tibble()
Example outputs and data types:
> class(gps_data$date_time[1])
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
> gps_data$date_time[1]
[1] "2016-12-10 03:37:05 PST"
> class(gps_data$latitude[1])
[1] "numeric"
> gps_data$latitude[1]
[1] 45.437084
> class(gps_data$longitude[1])
[1] "numeric"
> gps_data$longitude[1]
[1] -122.62609
> class(gps_data$speed[1])
[1] "numeric"
> gps_data$speed[1]
[1] 0.590584
Optionally users can create a function that returns the mapping between acc and gps files. Examples are shown in rwalkbout/R/subject_file_mapper.R
does not require it for running. It is just a nice thing to do when dealing with folders of files and subjects.