Thanks for a very useful plugin, it works good!
I'm posting not the issue actually but a feature-request (didn't find where to put the label).
So the proposed feature:
Pls make possible to add a card in two clicks: select a word, right click, submit (the default field chosen in options, will be filled automatically with the selected text). Or select a word, then click on the extension addon in Chrome toolbar + submit.
Make this setting (to define the default field or not to) dependant on user's choice, so no one is hurt and the classic behavior is available.
If the default field is already occupied then later selections require to choose the field to input, until the default field is clear again.
This will be highly usable for those who collect words only, and definitions etc later incl via addons.
Or for those who always start filling the card with the headword and then search for pronunciations, examples, definitions etc.