Map deisgn philosophy is factual, fair and fun where try to adher to cannon (taking artistic liberties with geographies and transdimentional portal of heros) and lotsa easter eggs (not in civipedia).
- solo tutorial - learn the basics of chaos, spells and runecrafting
- tba deathmatch (1v1) where I try to balance 2 races ... there is a beta version for dwarfs vs chaotic cuzs
- tbd king of the hill (1 vs 3..7) sparse continents with a magic rich hub
- tbd ultima Y (single city quest board) multiplayer with each civ having their (conflicting) quests in lieu of social policy
- tbc merchannt of death (battle royale) but the ability to buy runes, spirits and hire mercanries
The 1st beta is halfway through a deathmatch but where the dwarfs sign an armistice to crusade against the Tree of Beards. After punishing the greenskins, they are backstabbed by a previous trading ally. There are 3 missions:
- Mercenary calvary captain invited to defend the outpost and launch a deep raid to punish the perfidious ragheads;
- Secret cult to formet unrest in the subjugated cities lost by the frog-eaters;
- Seige expert invited to build a star fortress to defend against the deprevations of the pointy-ears.
You will be rated after exactly 50 turns on the
- nnumber of wonders built (more == better productive planning)
- less the number of units above 3 for each class (otherwise just spam bombers)
- plus some penalties for losing say an Infernal Swordsland or Halfling Ranger (needed in next scene)
This is early testing so take it as as is, what is. Discussions on discord. Some FAQ
- why are there so few workers? As the armistice to launch a joint cruisade, the chaos dwarfs agreed to curtail their ... involuntary labor niservitude (cough) and keeping up the constant offerings to Harush, it meant a new deal with TheMoot to invest in foreign "guest workers" fleeing from the Loren invasion
- so why are the peaceful elves seizing the knight's lands? Actually we think because of the successful defence of TheMoot (whom the chaos dwarfs pledged to protect) they looked for weaker prey. We chaotic dwarfs are in search of truth so the spurious accusations of spying, assassination and kidnapping of spellsingers is utterly without evidence (and we made damn sure of it);
- what are you doing so far away from your capital? Crusade. Gross species insult. Book of Grudges. We had a peaceful trade then those treacherous ragheads stabbed us in the back by declaring jihad. Just we prefer rational unbiased experientation (in vivos experimentation works best) and not pandering to pagan superstitions is no reason to refuse to sit down to discuss peace (once we prepare a nicely sharpened stake).