Just R.T.F.M
First of all, Install the newest Hyprland using this guide depend on your Distro:
yay -S hyprland-git
- Install waybar, Rofi, Dunst, kitty terminal, swaybg, swaylock-fancy, swayidle, pamixer, light, Brillo:
yay -S waybar-hyprland rofi dunst kitty swaybg swaylock-fancy-git swayidle pamixer light brillo
yay -S ttf-font-awesome
Optional Font:
Or either way, check my fonts repos where i store all of the programming fonts.
Once you download them and unpack them, place them into ~/.fonts
or ~/.local/share/fonts.
Then run this command for your system to detect the newly installed fonts.
fc-cache -fv
git clone -b late-night-π https://github.com/iamverysimp1e/dots
cd dots
cp -r ./configs/* ~/.config/
Finally, now you can login with Late Night Hyprland Rice
Congratulations, at this point you successfully have installed Hyprland Late Night Rice π