Generate APIdocs in Flask simply by following the given code syntax which offcourse brings nice look to your app. It also checks for any possible secret that you may have forgotten to remove.
_ ____ ____ U ___ u ____ ____
U /"\ u U| _"\ u ___ | _"\ \/"_ \/ U /"___| / __"| u
\/ _ \/ \| |_) |/ |_"_| /| | | | | | | | \| | u <\___ \/
/ ___ \ | __/ | | U| |_| |\ .-,_| |_| | | |/__ u___) |
/_/ \_\ |_| U/| |\u |____/ u \_)-\___/ \____| |____/>>
\\ >> ||>>_ .-,_|___|_,-. |||_ \\ _// \\ )( (__)
(__) (__) (__)__) \_)-' '-(_/ (__)_) (__) (__)(__) (__)
payLoad = {
return make_response(jsonify(payLoad), 200)
- write #.n# where n is number of payLoads in your route, at top of @app.route('/')
# Your Comments maybe
def callback():
// code here
// 3 payloads shall be present
python <directory/filename>