simple --mode=cache --times=10
simple --mode=read
=> If the user gives command 1 as input the client listen the USD price of BTC for given number of times and stores the prices in a text file. => If the user gives the commad 2 as input the client fetches the data from the text file and displays on the terminal.
cargo run -- --simple --mode=cache --times=10
cargo run -- --simple --mode=read
In Multi client 5 client processes read values from the websockets for 10 seconds and computes the average and sends the average to the aggregator process. Then the aggregator process waits for the average values from all the 5 clients. After getting the values it computes the average again and displays it on the terminal.
cargo run
In this sign_verification clients sign their average values and sends the value and signatures to the aggregator upon receiving the signatures the aggregator verfies the signatures.For this verification process ECDSA have been used.
cargo run