A boilerplate example project for creating lightning-enabled applications
$ yarn # OR npm install
$ cp .env.example .env
# set vars for accessing LND ie. LND_MACAROON_PATH
$ yarn start # OR npm run start
$ yarn test # OR npm run test
$ yarn build # OR npm run build
$ node build/index
$ curl -GET localhost:3000/api
# {"ok":true}
Ping the server:
$ curl -GET localhost:3000/api/ping
# "pong"
Generate a bolt11 encoded invoice:
$ curl -GET localhost:3000/api/invoice
# "lntb10..."
Pay a bolt11 encoded invoice:
$ curl -d "invoice=lntb10..." -X POST localhost:3000/api/invoice/pay
# {"preimage":"649..."}
If you use VS Code, you can debug the application and tests using the built-in debugger.
Enter the debug view by clicking the Debug icon in the Activity Bar or using the keyboard shortcut cmd + shift + D
There are three debug options:
- Launch & Debug Application - Launch the application with ts-node and debug
- Debug Tests - Start the tests and debug
- Attach Debugger to Process - Attach the to debugger to a running process
Note: The debugger can also be launched from the status bar.
To develop on the project please run:
git clone git@github.com:RadarTech/ln-api-boilerplate.git && cd $_
yarn # OR npm install
yarn start # OR npm run start
This project is licensed under the MIT License.