\\XXXXXX// Dynamical Systems
XXXXXXXX Built From Curvature
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Stereographic Projection is a smooth bijective mapping from a plane to a sphere. The mapping is a conformal projection preserving angles and circles. That is the image of a circle on the sphere is a circle in the plane and the angle between two lines on the sphere is the same as the angle between their images in the plane. A smooth curve lying on the plane can be projected to the sphere. Any smooth planar curve has zero torsion and some curvature. As a result of the preservative properties of the projection mapping we are able to make a bijective mapping of the curvature and torsion of a curve to the curvature and torsion of its projected image. Such mapping allows for a dynamical system to be built. Each iterate of the system takes in a smooth parametric planar curve and outputs a smooth parametric curve. The parametric curve created from the output of each iterate is defined by the mapping of the projected curvature and torsion of the input curve.
This repository builds the core foundational logic to build a dynamical system from mapping of curvature and torsion of image of parametric planar curve when stereographically projected to the unit sphere.
Notice first that this projection
Notice that from the curvature of the planar curve
We propose that the intersection of
will always be satisfied. Where
Hence the intersection of the cone with the plane
The intersection of the cone defined by
For more technical details as to how the intersection is derived read the paper. But, if you want to just take my word for it the intersection of
which yields the equation of the osculating circle of
Here is a graphic of all of the components:
The system can be defined as follows. Let
Try to find fixed points in the system --> if
**Does convergence happen for some curves over an orbit of high order. Further what is the curve that the orbit of
Does chaos ever arise in such a system? My intuition tells me no, but to be completely honest this is just a hunch.
Categorizing behavior of families of curves in the dynamical system based on the results.
For a comprehensive mathematical formulation of the equations reference