This is the reverse-engineered code of the FSHLib library written by Jon Rista a.k.a DarkMatter.
I patched it in 2009 to fix a compatibility issue with Windows Vista.
FSHLib appears to be based on Denis Auroux's FSHTool.
The dotnet_1_1
folder contains two text files with the debug and release build commands for the .NET 1.1 C# compiler.
This can be used to compile a version of the library that is compatible with SC4Tool, and other tools that are built with .NET 1.1.
The vs
folder contains a project file for Visual Studio 2022, this is to make it easier to examine the code.
The FSHTool read-me indicates that it is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License without specifying the license version.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0.
See License.txt for more information.