This repository contains all of the Wallpapers that I regularly use on all of my systems (and phones). These wallpapers are usually actively in use in videos from my YouTube Channel, so if you're visiting this repo from there, thanks for watching, and I hope you can find what you're looking for.
My current favorite wallpaper is this picture I took from the bow of a battleship at the San Jacinto Battleground park in LaPorte, TX.
I've spent a bit of time trying to make sure that all of my wallpapers were organized well; mostly just because, as the library has grown very large, it's become increasingly difficult to find what I'm looking for. All of the wallpapers use a fairly simple naming scheme that looks something like this: generalCategory-more-specific-descriptor.jpg
. For example: abstract-a.jpg
or lotr-minas-tirith.jpg
. I've found that sort of tagging images with a general category, by using the category as a prefix in names makes the process of finding an image quite a bit easier. Displaying the images in a simple grid will have similar images grouped together, and makes the library much easier to browse casually, or with a specific intention.
Originally the wallpapers were sorted into different folders, to try and make browsing easier; and it did. The problem I ran into is that as I added more categories for wallpapers, the folders were less helpful. I was having to add multiple directories to any type of wallpaper manager; and if I ever wanted to just randomly select a wallpaper from my collection; I basically couldn't. So I've kept the category denotation, I just do it as a prefix on the filenames. The images end up still being sorted by category, rather than just alphabet, or any other useless criteria; but I also get to access the wallpapers much more easily.
That being said, the categories for my wallpapers, are:
General: The largest bulk of the wallpapers, almost everything lives here.
Artwork: A collection of paintings that I like to use as wallpapers.
Media: This is where I keep any wallpapers that relate to a video game, or a book, or a movie, or something of that sort. It's a lot of concept art and well timed screenshots.
Nouns: Originally I created this category for pictures of people that I found interesting, mainly Audrey Hepburn & Buddha. However, I've since expanded the category to include animals and a few other things, so it's just called nouns. Anything that is a noun get's filed here.
Tech: I've added a fifth category for "tech" wallpapers. These are mostly some past and current default wallpapers from Windows and OSX releases; but this also includes a set of "retro tech wallpapers" that I designed a while back. You can view and access just those images here.
Cyberpunk: I have a new category for some cyberpunk style wallpapers. It's pretty self-explanatory.
Places: There is a another new category now: Places. It's images of nice places in the world, or landmarks, or anything of that sort. There are some really great shots in here.
All of these images use the JPG format, spelled as .jpg
, not .jpeg
for consistency. This is just to save on the file size. I find that I don't usually notice the difference between a JPG and a PNG or other higher quality image format (in the context of a wallpaper), and JPG files have significantly smaller file size; so I hope you see what I'm getting at.
All of the wallpapers also have a minimum resolution of 1080p; and I'm slowly replacing the lower resolution wallpapers with 4K equivalents, or removing them entirely. But, for the time being, if you're using a display with a resolution higher than 1080p you might be careful just picking any image at random.
It also may be relevant to note that this library includes wallpapers intended for use on mobile (portrait) & desktop (landscape) layouts. These images aren't organized in any specific way, but the largest majority of images should also be of a high enough resolution that they can be used with either type of layout without any noticeable degradation. That being said, I do primarily work on a desktop or a laptop; so the majority of the images are collected with that in mind. There are some images that were collected specifically for use on a phone, and are in the proper orientation, but those are few and far between. This is a collection of images for use primarily on old school, you know... computers!