Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner
Mirror only. Official repository is at https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple
🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
A minimalist, Material Design inspired Ghost Theme for optimal desktop and mobile experiences
Integrate with the deface gem to manage view modifications in plugins
Redmine Plugin for adding tags functionality to issues and wiki pages.
Redmine plugin to add privacy cookie information and terms for users to Redmine
Redmine plugin for easy customization of settings, text and content display by using personal or role-based dashboards (drag&drop), providing wiki macros and act as library for other plugins.
Google Spreadsheets plugin for Redmine
Redmine Issue Template. Pull requests, reporting issues, stars and sponsoring are always welcome!
Docker Official Image packaging for Redmine
Private payments for mobile devices.
TorGhost is an anonymization script. TorGhost redirects all internet traffic through SOCKS5 tor proxy. DNS requests are also redirected via tor, thus preventing DNSLeak. The scripts also disables u…
This is a plugin for Redmine to set default due date
Is a plugin for project management system Redmine. Allows you to store various passwords/keys in one place for the project.
Redmine plugin that will automatically set an Issue's due_date based on the Version and / or Deliverable due date.
a mobile client for redmine, including IOS and Android
Information gathering framework for phone numbers
A source-available invoice, quote, project and time-tracking app built with Laravel
Plugin to prevent users from using Redmine while system operations are being done.
Allows users to dynamically update (AJAX) issue's attributes from issue details page without any refresh (JIRA like)