imgur/scrot screengrabber/uploader
Simple utility that takes a screenshot of your entire screen and pushes it to Imgur using the Imgur API.
Get an API key from and set the client_id variable to the client_id you get. Just pick one of the anonymous tokens as I was not arsed linking screenshots to accounts.
Its all stdlib except pyscreenshot and requests which you can easily install.
pip install pyscreenshot requests
Note: Thanks to the fine work of Juan Pablo you should be able to just pip install imgurscrot :)
Put it somewhere in $PATH as an executable (chmod +x) file named "imgurscrot" and just do "imgurscrot" to screeenshot your full screen and automatically upload it.
Beer can be sent to 16MtQtgCVgZvqXoYFzi1L85cKDQAxLGY4A :)
If it fucks up leave an issue in the tracker please.
I had meant to use the actual imgur library but it kept fucking up so I just used requests instead.