A Replacement of ApacheBenchmark Written in Python.Used for load-testing and benchmarking your HTTP server.
#Usage Just run the main.py with options and url.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--version Displays version and exits.
-C, --cookies COOKIES Add cookies (eg: 'id=1234'.(repeatable)) with requests.
Add basic proxy authentication, use a colon to seperate
username and password.
-X, --proxy PROXY Configure proxy, server and port to use.
-p, --profile Run program under python profile, default to FALSE.
-s, --timeout TIMEOUT Set max seconds to wait for each response, default to 30 seconds.
HTTP Method
--content-type CONTENT_TYPE
-D DATA, --data DATA Data. Prefixed by "py:" to point a python callable.
-a AUTH, --auth AUTH Basic authentication user:password
--header HEADER Custom header. name:value
--pre-hook PRE_HOOK Python module path (eg: mymodule.pre_hook) to a
callable which will be executed before doing a request
for example: pre_hook(method, url, options). It must
return a tupple of parameters given in function
--post-hook POST_HOOK
Python module path (eg: mymodule.post_hook) to a
callable which will be executed after a request is
done for example: eg. post_hook(response). It must
return a given response parameter or raise an
`boom._boom.RequestException` for failed request.
--json-output Prints the results in JSON instead of the default
-n REQUESTS, --requests REQUESTS
Number of requests
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION
Duration in seconds