Find quick descriptions of various tools under this directory and within the CIME python package.
The cprnc tool has been moved from this directory to CIME/non_py/cprnc.
Various tools used to manipulate CIME cases.
Tool to find reasonable PE layouts from timing files.
Helper script for redsky machine.
Tool to check previously generated mapping files.
The gen_domain tool will read in a conservative ocean to atemosphere map file and output three domain files; an ocean domain, land domain with land mask and land domain with ocean mask.
Tool to generate a suite of mapping files to map between specified grid files.
Script to plot SCRIB files.
The map_field tool will read a mapping file and input field to output a mapping between them.
CESM-ECT is a suite of tests to determine whether a new simulation setup is statistically distringuishable from an acccepted ensemble.
Tool will look for circular dependencies in CESM "Depends" files.