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The project/repo name is gcode-respiralizer (dash).

The binary name is gcode_respiralizer (underscore).

The lib name is gcode_respiralizer_lib (underscores).




This code generates gcode, and this code may have bugs, resulting in bad gcode output, which can be hazardous to your printer, and possibly hazardous to print unattended in case of any bugs or unforeseen printing issues. While the author has printed a few models after processing with this code and didn't hit any significant issues, the author hasn't tested with your model, your printer, your workflow, etc.


Goal / Purpose

Eliminate the vase mode "seam" that results when slicing in vase mode in prusaslicer.

Avoid the spiral jumping onto or off of "horizontal steps" that intentionally exist in some models.

See the "Detailed Goal / Purpose" section below if you like reading debian governance docs cover to cover.



  1. Download the code - if unsure how, use the green "Code" button up top and "download zip", then extract the zip somewhere convenient.
  2. Install rustlang: []
  3. Open a command prompt and go to the src/gcode_spiralizer directory.
  4. Run "cargo build --release". This will compile the code from source, into a gcode_spiralizer executable (see under target/release sub dir for the executable).
  5. See below under "Prusaslicer" for how to use the executable.


  1. Turn off detect bridging perimeters (to slice faster and avoid bridging flow ratio in any part of the spiral). In my experience, with an extrusion width that isn't too much larger than the nozzle diameter, and prioritizing quality over speed, vase mode prints can bridge just fine without this.
  2. Switch from arachne to classic. Leave it classic for the rest of this (vase mode uses classic without indicating so in the UI; we need the non-vase slicing below to use classic also).
  3. Skip this step
    • (TODO: / aspirational / skip for now) "Put path to gcode_respiralizer binary in the Print settings -> Post-processing steps" (doesn't work yet)
  4. Set to vase mode, accept 1 perimeter etc.
  5. Un-check vase mode (but leave 1 perimeter etc).
  6. Set retract/detract/extra detract to all off / 0.0mm.
  7. Set layer height and first layer height to 0.02mm (~1/10th of the layer height you actually want)
  8. Set to zero bottom layers (temporarily).
  9. Position the model exactly where you want it on the build plate. From the next step onward, do not move the model on the plate.
  10. Slice, and save the gcode file as "fine.gcode" (or similar) for use below.
    • (TODO: gcode-respiralizer will auto-detect that this is the finely-sliced file, and will save a copy for gcode-respiralizer to use later)
  11. Set layer height to 0.3mm or 0.2mm (whichever you want the output gcode to be). Other layer heights may not work at all.
    • (TODO: auto-detect and auto-tune thresholds based on detected layer height.)
  12. Check vase mode again.
  13. Add back any bottom layers per taste.
  14. Slice, and save the gcode file as "coarse.gcode" (or similar) for use below.
    • (TODO: gcode-respiralizer will auto-detect that this is the coarse-sliced file, and based on filename, will pair it up with the previously-saved finely-sliced file)
  15. Run "gcode_spiralizer fine.gcode coarse.gcode OUTPUT.gcode". Wait a bit, or a while, or a longer while, depending. Look at your favorite task manager / system monitor / perfmon.exe "disk" or "fs" tab or similar to see if it's still working and not just stuck.
    • TODO: more incremental status to command line during fine perimeter loading and output generation.
  16. Open OUTPUT.gcode in gcode analyzer, visually verify that it looks plausible; sweep through the layers; check again - it is up to you to verify that you want to print this weirdly-generated gcode. In particular, there is no reason to believe that the generated gcode will absolutely never go backwards, extruding over what it's already printed (should be rare, but can happen). Thankfully due to the nature of the generated gcode, the z ramping would (probably) still be happening, so hopefully the extruder wouldn't skip, but BEWARE.
  17. Print (if you accept all risks), and hopefully verify that the vase mode fudge "seam" is not present, and that there aren't any artifacts introduced by this gcode post-processor.

Theory of Operation (currently somewhat stale)

Do a 1 perimeter normal (not vase) slice of the model using a very low layer height like 0.03mm (1/10 of 0.3; not a typo). Start by turning on vase mode to get mostly-correct settings, then turn it off again. Use random seam placement. Don't use arcs. Call this gcode output "fine".

Without moving the object, do a vase mode slice of the model using the desired layer height like 0.2mm or 0.3mm. Call this gcode output "coarse".

Let "paths" mean the intro line of fine, the intro line of coarse, the spiral path of coarse, and the various single-layer paths of fine.

Points along the paths of coarse can be points that are directly in the gcode, or points that are linearly / barycentric interpolated between two points from the coarse gcode.

  • For points along the paths of coarse (maintaining extrude-or-not consistency with coarse, and extrude-amount-per-distance of coarse):
    • Find the closest point on any path of fine.
    • Exclude that path (whole z value) of fine, and again find the closest point on any path of fine.
    • Use the z values of the two found points and the z value of the coarse point to establish where the coarse z point is in relation to the two found fine points.
      • The z value of the coarse point can be in between the z values of points along the two fine paths, or the z value of the coarse point can be outside that z range.
    • Apply the linear interpolation / extrapolation to replace the x, y values of the coarse point with the interpolated/extrapolated x, y value from the linear interpolation / extrapolation.
    • Output the x, y, z as a new coarse_out point, computing extrusion based on coarse extrusion-per-distance.

In this manner, as the coarse z height varies gradually, the x, y location of the output coarse points will define a spiral that crosses through each fine path from each fine z height, and between fine z heights, the output point will be on a line that is drawn between the closest points drawn between the two closest fine z height paths.

Overall, this should handle these:

  • intro line
  • first few layers where coarse jumps once per perimeter by decreasing amounts to get from 1st layer into spiral regime
  • spiral regime
  • prints that have detours that disappear in the next layer up via bridging which skips the detour, without jumping into the detour or jumping out of the detour with the coarse output path, and without any unfortunately handling of boundary condition when doing the last coarse loop of a detour
  • boundary condition for extrusions without any more extrusions stacked directly above - we avoid "blurring" here by allowing the slope to be retained even if the coarse line is above both selected fine points on fine paths
  • ignoring points on fine paths that "should be" irrelevant / ignored, via distance metric, and lack of any assumptions regarding any correspondences of gcode points from layer to layer (in coarse or fine).

Some details:

  • Each fine path at specific z is not a perfect closed loop (this would not be an issue if the ideas in gcode-respiralizer were translated into code within slic3r / prusaslicer), since the core slicing at a given z would generate a closed loop (a closed non-self-intersecting polygon). For now we close the loop with an extra added line.
    • The motivation for adding the line is to avoid creating a situation where the output coarse path would go backwards a little, for example if there's a fine seam gap below the coarse z, and no fine seam gap slightly below that.
    • The motivation is mainly relevant for extrapolation where the coarse z is outside the range of z from the two fine paths - when the coarse z is between the two fine z values, the output path would "slow down" then "jump" a little, but not go backwards.
    • The alternate way to handle this is to not add the extra line, but constrain the linear situation to interpolation along a line segment connecting the two fine points, never an extrapolation. This could still result in the coarse path stopping (generating two points on top of each other, which could easily be filtered out), but it wouldn't go backwards.
  • The coarse gcode vase "seam" is still corresponding to a layer switch in the coarse slicing, so is still a place where the coarse x, y can be discontinuous, if that "seam" jumps across a surface height discontinuity.
    • An optional mitigation of this can be to notice the distance of the coarse path from any fine path exceeding a threshold for an interval on the coarse path, and repairing that portion of the coarse path via linear interpolation of distance along a (single) fine path that is chosen to have the lowest starting + ending distance, using starting and ending coarse points of the interval to repair. The z value of the coarse output in the repaired interval would ramp z linearly per distance to match up with coarse z after the repaired interval.
  • Why use the coarse slicing at all?
    • The coarse transition from first layer to spiral regime is a main motivation; not needing to explicitly generate that flat plate to spiral path transition strategy in gcode-respiralizer.
    • It's nice to keep the intro line intact without much hassle, and without any explicit handling (aside from tolerating multiple coarse paths, 1 for intro line and 1 for rest).
    • To at least some extent, having the coarse slicing drive the z lets the slicer do whatever is does (or doesn't) do to avoid extruding without any layer gap underneath. If the slicer does a terrible job ensuring there's a gap, then this algorithm won't fix that, but if the slicer always avoids having no gap even when successive coarse perimeters are very different, then this algorithm will follow the slicer's lead, just enough to keep the slicer's good work here. See also the transition from flat build plate to spiral regime.

Less stale info:

Also keep points from the closest fine perimeter as a way to get points that are more optimized for the model/fine geometry at the current z height, to avoid issues with points from coarse slicing that aren't ideally placed for a place on the model that's offset in z, for better surface just after (just to the right) of where the fudged "seam" was.

Posting issues

Please do post an issue if you run into a problem.

  • Please make sure you followed the how-to precisely prior to posting the issue.
  • Please include the model or a link to the model if possible.
  • Please include a .3mf file for generating the fine horizontal slicing, and a separate .3mf for generating the coarse spiral slicing.

If this sounds like too much work, just post the issue with whatever info you can be bothered to include (and thanks!). However, issues which are missing info needed for a local repro will be treated as lower priority and may be closed after a while if I don't feel like there's enough info for me to reproduce the issue myself.

A note on Rust (rustlang)

As of this writing, I have a lot more experience with C++ than rust. Please feel free to post a pull request with any specific suggestions (rust-related or not, but I'm particularly interested in any rust tips/tricks).

I chose rust for this primarily to get more practice with rust, and because writing it in C++ wouldn't have really made it any quicker/easier to integrate the idea into slic3r/prusaslicer in the "correct" way (ie. not as a gcode post-processor). The translation from gcode post-processor to a "correct" way of achieving essentially the same thing as part of the slicer would/will require substantial translation of the ideas to earlier stages of slicing/re-slicing anyway (hopefully).

Any real integration into the slicer would be a whole separate step based on the ideas, not the specific code.

gcode-respiralizer endgame

I'm hoping this project will inspire "excellent" vase mode slicing in slic3r / prusaslicer (regardless of whether this project itself achieves "excellent" vase mode respiralizing), making this project redundant, at which point this project can be considered "done". This project isn't intended to be a long-term project.

Detailed Goal / Purpose

This "seam" isn't a normal retraction/detraction layer switch seam, but rather the result of the slicer internally doing normal constant-z-per-layer slicing, then ramping z within each layer's path and fudging to (sorta) connect the end of one layer to the beginning of the next layer. This fudge is the vase mode "seam".

Fwiw, the first part of each vase perimeter/circuit is the part that has the largest z offset between the model geometry and the slicer's vase mode output points, so just to the right (looking in from outside, at a "normal" enough model for reasonably-human-readable language to make any sense) of the fudged "seam" is the most "wrong" with respect to model geometry, and arguably this wrong-ness is what "causes" the fudged seam, since just before the fudged seam, the slicers vase mode output is quite close to the model geometry (low z offset). The fudged "seam" is effectively an artifact of the "wrongness" on the right of the seam. Fixing the seam basicaly requires fixing the "wrongness" on the right of the seam, and it makes sense to adopt "fixing the wrongness on the right of the seam" as an explicit goal, mainly to have at least one goal that cares about conformance to the model geometry.

It's worth noting that "real" vase mode spiral slicing is fraught with gotchas. For example, selecting the slope of the spiral can increase the overall length of the perimeter (until it stacks on top of itself and needs to be 1 layer height up from where it started), which can then require a lower slope, but then using that lower slope the perimeter is shorter, requiring a higher slope. There's also the concern/requirement that vase mode models tend to use "steps" with flat tops (or bottoms) to switch from a detour to a bridge that skips the detour (or even vice-versa if the model prints in the air for artistic or comedic effect); a pure spiral would tend to "fall off" such steps, leading to a much longer bridge that looks wrong and wasn't the model designer's intent. So any algorithm that hopes to avoid extruding in thin air across the middle of a detour that's about to disappear has to deviate from a pure spiral and essentially choose to take the detour or not take the detour, even if the detour and the non-detour short bridge fall at an inconvenient location.

It may be fair to say that there's not really any one "correct" vase mode slicing algorithm (aside from perhaps some sort of cost function minimizing approach where the cost function has the lowest number of preference knobs it can, while still addressing the vast majority of "reasonable" cases, and somehow runs super fast; maybe a dynamic programming + A* + simulated annealing thing, all running on a GPU - but then, could anyone other than the author (of such a thing) hope to understand it?). Anyway, it depends on the goals.

Here are the goals for gcode-respiralizer:

  • Eliminate (or at least greatly reduce) the vase mode "seam".
    • As an instrumental goal, reduce the "wrongness" on the right of that seam.
      • As a goal we get "for free" under the parent instrumental goal, avoid output that deviates a lot from the model.
  • Don't "jump off steps" / "jump onto steps" (see above).
    • A jump across a horizontal step is considered "deviation" from the model, to reduce the degree to which this would otherwise tend to conflict with avoiding deviation from the model.
  • Do stuff in a way that'd be at least somewhat plausible for slic3r / prusaslicer to implement internally (though probably not in the same language, and almost certainly not at the same stage of slicing).
  • Don't break aspects of current prusaslicer vase mode slicing that work (at least for non-hostile cases), such as the transition from flat build plate to z ramp regime, and the smoothness of the z ramp within the spiral regime, and the ability to have a few flat bottom layers before the spiral starts, and fan speed changes, and print speed changes (this list isn't intended to be exhaustive, but others may have issues due to not being listed explicitly here and being overloooked as a result).
  • Where print quality and print speed conflict (if ever), choose print quality. Example: more output points is ok if it helps quality, without worrying too much about potential stuttering at much higher speeds.
  • Compatibilty: Work with prusaslicer output for at least legacy marlin and klipper (FW that a MK3S+ can run, since that's what I have locally). Avoid taking a dependency on firmware-specific aspects, to hopefully be/remain compatible with other slicer firmware settings also (but I have no way to test those locally).
  • Compatibility: Work with the latest released version of prusaslicer, even if that version is non-final (alpha, beta, RC). When not a hassle, also work with latest final version (not alpha, beta, RC).
  • Where it doesn't conflict with other goals, and doesn't conflict with the level of time commitment I'm willing to put into this, make the code not completely terrible. To date, this goal is mostly about the "where it doesn't conflict with" and it's more like "TODO: make the code not completely terrible". For example, there is only one test, and it's only covering a small part of the program. That's bad. There should be real tests. But see the next paragraph.
  • Ease-of-use is a lower-priority goal, but still a goal. Suggestions/issues welcome, but even better would be pull requests that don't overlap with the ".plan" section at the bottom of this
  • Try not to write a whole slicer (triangle processing, etc), at least for now.
  • Be useful to users other than just me (but see next paragraph).

Because the slicer should really handle vase mode slicing better, the gcode-respiralizer can be considered a prototype / temporary solution / test of ideas. That said, a primary goal is to be reliable for typical vase mode models, since that's a prerequisite for demonstrating that the slicer "should" do these things (or analogous things, or better things) instead of a gcode post-processor.


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