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TinyMCE integration for yii

Almost in every application, i have need in wysiwyg editor for content. In most of them I have used tinymce extension writen by MetaYii(with some ugly changes, added by me, to connect elFinder file manager to it).

Recently I have written my own widget for TinyMce and for elFinder with possibility of integrating them. Also I have written separate actions for TinyMce compessor and for spellchecker plugin. So i think that my code looks more cleaner than something like tinymceelfinder extension, that has similar functionality.

Also I have added less ugly skin for tinyMce(modified version of cirkuitSkin).

##TinyMCE Versions

There is two TinyMCE versions - 3.x and new 4.x

Extension has the same interfaces for both of them, but because they are different they will have slightly different settings.

So when configuring it - refer to appropriate documentation version.



  1. Checkout source code to ext.tinymce

  2. To use spellchecker and compressor, create controller and add corresponding actions to it

  3. Use it as any other input widget:

  4. More about elFinder extension here:

     // controller for tinyMce
     class TinyMceController extends CController
          public function actions()
               return array(
                    'spellchecker' => array(
                        'class' => 'TinyMceSpellcheckerAction',
     // in view
     $this->widget('ext.tinymce.TinyMce', array(
         'model' => $model,
         'attribute' => 'tinyMceArea',
         // Optional config
         //'spellcheckerUrl' => array('tinyMce/spellchecker'),
         // or use yandex spell:
         'spellcheckerUrl' => '',
         'fileManager' => array(
             'class' => 'ext.elFinder.TinyMceElFinder',
         'htmlOptions' => array(
             'rows' => 6,
             'cols' => 60,

##CSRF token validation problem, for spellchecker requsts By default Yii validates csrf token for all requsts, but spellchecker has requst content-type "application/json" - so even if we pass csrf token in request, yii will not validate it.

Forum discussion about this

Also there is no need in csrf validation for spellchecker service, so possible solutions is to skip validation for such requests. I order to do so we need to extend CHttpRequst like in sample below:

    class HttpRequest extends CHttpRequest
        public function validateCsrfToken($event)
            $contentType = isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]) ? $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"] : null;
            if ($contentType !== 'application/json')

And add it into application configuration:

    // application components
    'components' => array(
        'request' => array(
           'class' => 'HttpRequest',
           'enableCsrfValidation' => true,
