NOTE: Windows users, open PowerShell as Administrator to execute the commands
# Enable calico if you want to check network policies
# For Windows
minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=8 --driver=hyperv --kubernetes-version=v1.22.4 --cni calico
# For Mac
minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=8 --driver=hyperkit --kubernetes-version=v1.22.4 --cni calico
Enable metallb (network load balancer)
# Enable metallb
minikube addons enable metallb
# Get the IP
minikube ip
# Configure metallb with the IP as seen in the figure below
minikube addons configure metallb
# Add the Otomi repo
helm repo add otomi
helm repo update
# Otomi install with minimal chart values
helm install otomi otomi/otomi --set cluster.k8sVersion="1.22" --set --set cluster.provider=custom --set
The helm chart deploys an installer job responsible for installing the Otomi platform on the minikube cluster.
# Monitor the job status
kubectl get job otomi -w
# Installer job logs
kubectl logs jobs/otomi -n default -f
At the end of the logs of the installer job, you will find the URL
and the credentials
to log into the Otomi console.
Follow the post installation steps here.