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156 lines (97 loc) · 4.94 KB


File metadata and controls

156 lines (97 loc) · 4.94 KB


Python2 Python3

itchat is a open souce wechat api project for personal account.

It enables you to access your personal wechat account through command line.

Here is the document.

So enjoy:)


You may have a try of the robot based on this project first:


Here is the code.


pip install itchat

Simple uses

import itchat, time

@itchat.msg_register(['Text', 'Map', 'Card', 'Note', 'Sharing'])
def text_reply(msg):
    itchat.send('%s: %s' % (msg['Type'], msg['Text']), msg['FromUserName'])

@itchat.msg_register(['Picture', 'Recording', 'Attachment', 'Video'])
def download_files(msg):
    return '@%s@%s' % ({'Picture': 'img', 'Video': 'vid'}.get(msg['Type'], 'fil'), msg['FileName'])

def add_friend(msg):
    itchat.add_friend(**msg['Text']) # 该操作会自动将新好友的消息录入,不需要重载通讯录
    itchat.send_msg('Nice to meet you!', msg['RecommendInfo']['UserName'])

@itchat.msg_register('Text', isGroupChat = True)
def text_reply(msg):
    if msg['isAt']:
        itchat.send(u'@%s\u2005I received: %s' % (msg['ActualNickName'], msg['Content']), msg['FromUserName'])


Advanced uses

Command line QR Code

You can access the QR Code in command line through using this command:

itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR = True)

Because of width of some character differs from systems, you may adjust the enableCmdQR to fix the problem.

# for some linux system, width of block character is one instead of two, so enableCmdQR should be 2
itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR = 2)

Default background color of command line is dark (black), if it's not, you may set enableCmdQR to be negative:

itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR = -1)

Hot reload

By using the following command, you may reload the program without re-scan QRCode in some time.

itchat.auto_login(hotReload = True)

User search

By using get_friends, you have four ways to search a user:

  1. Get your own user information
  2. Get user information through UserName
  3. Get user information whose remark name or wechat account or nickname matches name key of the function
  4. Get user information whose remark name, wechat account and nickname match what are given to the function

Way 3, 4 can be used together, the following is the demo program:

# get your own user information
# get user information of specific username
itchat.get_friends(userName = '@abcdefg1234567')
# get user information of function 3
itchat.get_friends(name = 'littlecodersh')
# get user information of function 4
itchat.get_friends(wechatAccount = 'littlecodersh')
# combination of way 3, 4
itchat.get_friends(name = 'LittleCoder机器人', wechatAccount = 'littlecodersh')

Download and send attachments

The attachment download function of itchat is in Text key of msg

Name of the file (default name of picture) is in FileName key of msg

Download function accept one location value (include the file name) and store attachment accordingly.

@itchat.msg_register(['Picture', 'Recording', 'Attachment', 'Video'])
def download_files(msg):
    itchat.send('@%s@%s'%('img' if msg['Type'] == 'Picture' else 'fil', msg['FileName']), msg['FromUserName'])
    return '%s received'%msg['Type']

If you don't want a local copy of the picture, you may pass nothing to the function to get a binary string.

@itchat.msg_register(['Picture', 'Recording', 'Attachment', 'Video'])
def download_files(msg):
    with open(msg['FileName'], 'wb') as f:


Q: Why I can't send files whose name is encoded in utf8?

A: That's because of the upload setting of requests, you can put this file into packages/urllib3 of requests package.

Q: Why I still can't show QRCode with command line after I set enableCmdQr key to True in itchat.auto_login()?

A: That's because you need to install optional site-package pillow, try this script: pip install pillow


If you have any problems or suggestions, you can talk to me in this issue

Or on gitter.