- Zscaler Cloud Connector AMI version > ZS6.1.25.0 support for default interface swap of both autoscaling and non-autoscaling deployments. Service interface is now ENA0 and Management interface is now ENA1.
- Auto Scaling Group official release
- add: terraform-zscc-asg-aws module
- add: terraform-zscc-asg-labda-aws module
- change: IAM policies for ASG lifecycle and Cloudwatch metrics
- add: deployment types base_cc_gwlb_asg/base_cc_gwlb_asg_zpa (greenfield/pov/test) and cc_gwlb_asg (brownfield/prod)
- Medium and Large Cloud Connector instance official release
- EC2 instance type changes:
- new default/recommend EC2 type for small CCs: m6i.large; medium/large: m6i.4xlarge
- add: m5n, m6i, and c6i family support
- remove: m5 family support
- Module Changes:
- AWS Provider version bump to 5.17.x default. Support from 4.59.x to 5.17.x
- terraform-zscc-ccvm-aws:
- rename: service_eni_1 output to management_eni
- rename: private_ip output to forwarding_ip
- rename: cc_service_private_ip to management_ip
- add: forwarding_eni
- module terraform-zscc-gwlb-aws:
- add: variable asg_enabled for target group conditional instance rather than ip
- rename: resource aws_lb_target_group_attachment.gwlb_target_group_attachment_small to aws_lb_target_group_attachment.gwlb_target_group_attachment
- rename: variable cc_small_service_ips to cc_service_ips
- remove: dedicated CC Medium/Large additional service IP dependencies from target group attachment
- module terraform-zscc-ccvm-aws:
- remove: secondary IP address from network interface index #1
- add: interface device index #5 for "large" CC.
- add: aws_network_interface.cc_vm_nic_index_0 for interface swap support
- module terraform-zscc-gwlbendpoint-aws:
- add: outputs vpce_service_id
- add: outputs vpce_service_arn
- module terraform-zscc-sg-aws:
- refactor: management and service security group with more granular/required rules
- add: variable mgmt_ssh_enabled if customer wants to restrict management access to only SSM
- add: variable http_probe_port
- add: gwlb_enabled default to true
- add: all_ports_egress_enabled default to true
- module terraform-zscc-iam-aws:
- add: cc_metrics_policy_document permissions to CC IAM Role
- add: cc_autoscale_lifecycle_policy_document permissions to CC IAM Role
- remove: cc_callhome_policy_document as no longer required
- ZSEC support for AWS region ap-south-2 (Hyderabad)
- ZSEC bash script inputs for ASG deployments
- ZSEC bash script inputs for brownfield/byo network environments
- CC VM EBS changes: Volume type default now gp3 and AWS KMS encryption support enabled by default
- AWS Provider updated from 4.7.x to 4.59.x for all example templates and child modules
- terraform-zscc-gwlb-aws custom gwlb_name and target_group_name variables added
- name_prefix variable default string changed from zsdemo to zscc
- validation length constraint added to name_prefix variable
- dependency fixes for vpc/subnet data resource selection when vpc was originally created with example templates
- GWLB default changes/new features:
- Enable rebalance default
- flow stickiness selection capability
- deregistration delay changed to 0 from default 300
- healthy_threshold lowered from 3 to 2
- new list(string) variable ami_id to enable custom deployments/granular upgrade scenarios
- moved latest AMI ID lookup from ccvm module to parent/
- service network interface data source replaced with resource for terraform-zscc-ccvm-aws outputs
- replace default secretsmanager policy with custom least privilege CCPermitGetSecrets with only required GetSecretValue access to the Secret Manager name specified
- IMDSv2 required by default for Cloud Connector EC2 instance creation. imdsv2_enabled variable added to terraform-zscc-ccvm-aws module
- CC mgmt/service security group lifecycle and dependency fixes
- replace default secretsmanager policy with custom least privilege CCPermitGetSecrets with only required GetSecretValue access to the Secret Manager name specified
- IMDSv2 required by default for Cloud Connector EC2 instance creation. imdsv2_enabled variable added to terraform-zscc-ccvm-aws module
- CC mgmt/service security group lifecycle and dependency fixes
- github release refactor from Cloud Connector Portal
- zsec update for terraform support up to 1.1.9 and aws provider 4.7.x
- zsec updated with mac m1 option for terraform arm64 version download
- modules renamed for granularity and consistency
- CC IAM and Security Group resources broken out to individual child modules
- Support for reusing the same IAM and Security Group resources for all CC VMs.
- Bring your own IAM Instance Profile and Security Groups available for brownfield/custom deployments
- terraform-zscc-lambda-aws module - fix for lambda deployments containing only 1 CC subnet
- move provider details to
- added TF_DATA_DIR to zsec and to each deployment type to maintain root path as "examples/" directory for all deployments
- renamed cc_custom to cc_ha
- renamed cc_gwlb_custom to cc_gwlb
- added bastion source ssh security group option
- add auto acceptance and allowed_principals capability to terraform-zscc-gwlbendpoint-aws module. Default to auto accept restricting to user's Account ID
- moved all network infrastructure resources (vpc, IGW, NAT Gateway, subnets, route tables, etc.) to unique module terraform-zscc-network-aws
- added custom subnet definition capabilities via variables cc_subnets, route53_subnets, public_subnets, and workloads_subnets should customer try to override vpc_cidr and the auto cidrsubnet selection becomes incompatible
- workload and bastion modules changed to AL2 EC2 to enable SSM and require IMDSv2 metadata
- cc-error-checker changes to run first so errors thrown are less and clearer in the event of a CC deployment configuration error
- ASG module + deployment types added
- Support for M/L CC GWLB non-ASG
- SSM policy modified for least privilege
- IAM policy for ASG Lifecycle completion