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Explorer Jobs API

Quality Gate Status


Development requires an API ML instance. Quick Start here.

Alternatively, you can use docker to run the APIML using the [](./scripts/] script. This script requires a running z/OSMF instance, and the following environment variables to be set:

  • ZOSMF_HOST - the host of your z/OSMF instance
  • ZOSMF_PORT - the port of your z/OSMF instance

This script has the following optional environment variables:

  • HOST_OS - set to linux if you are running on linux
  • JOBS_PORT - port you will run the Jobs API on
  • GATEWAY_PORT - port the Gateway runs on
  • DISCOVERY_PORT - port the discovery service runs on
  1. Git clone repo
  2. Import > Gradle > Existing Gradle Project
  3. Generate test certificate
keytool -genkeypair -keystore localhost.keystore.p12 -storetype PKCS12 \
    -storepass password -alias localhost -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 99999 \
    -dname \"CN=Zowe Explorer Data Sets API Default Certificate, OU=Zowe API Squad, O=Zowe, L=Hursley, ST=Hampshire, C=UK\" \
    -ext san=dns:localhost,ip:
  1. Create run configuration with main class
  2. Add environement variables to run configuration
connection.httpsPort : ${GATEWAY_PORT}
connection.ipAddress : ${GATEWAY_HOST}
server.port : {JOBS_API_PORT}
server.ssl.keyAlias : localhost
server.ssl.keyStore : localhost.keystore.p12
server.ssl.keyStorePassword : password
server.ssl.keyStoreType : PKCS12
  1. Run and navigate to https://localhost:${GATEWAY_PORT}/swagger-ui.html to see endpoints


./gradlew build


Unit Test

./gradlew test

Integration Test

  1. Ensure you have generated a test certificate as described above.
  2. Ensure you are running the APIML as described above.
  3. Start test server:
java -Xms16m -Xmx512m -Dibm.serversocket.recover=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \ \
  -Dserver.port=8443 \
  -Dserver.ssl.keyAlias=localhost \
  -Dserver.ssl.keyStore=localhost.keystore.p12 \
  -Dserver.ssl.keyStorePassword=password \
  -Dserver.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12 \
  -Dconnection.httpsPort=${GATEWAY_PORT} \
  -Dconnection.ipAddress=${GATEWAY_HOST} \
  -jar $(ls -1 jobs-api-server/build/libs/jobs-api-server-*-boot.jar) &

*Note: Replace the ${GATEWAY_PORT} and ${GATEWAY_HOST} variable in above with your API Gateway server information.

  1. Run integration tests:
./gradlew runIntegrationTests \${GATEWAY_HOST} \
  -Pserver.port=${GATEWAY_PORT} \
  -Pserver.username=${USERNAME} \
  -Pserver.password=${PASSWORD} \

*Note: Replace the ${GATEWAY_HOST} and $GATEWAY_PORT} variables with your API Gateway server information

*Note: Replace the ${USERNAME} and ${PASSWORD} variable in above with your z/OSMF server information.

*Note: Replace the ${VERSION_UNDER_TEST} variable with the api version you wish to test (accepted values or 1 or 2)


The Publish branch binaries action in Github Actions will automatically publish remote branches to the Artifactory repository on every push. There is a folder for each module, jobs-api-server, jobs-model, jobs-tests, and jobs-zowe-server-package.

The jar executable will be published to jobs-api-server/{ version}/{branch_name}.


When there is a new minor release of Zowe, there should be a new patch release of the Jobs API from the master branch and a new patch snapshot version created. This is done in two steps:

  1. Release the binaries with the binary specific release workflow.

    • release_version is the version that will be released. This should be a new patch version. For example, if master is currently on version 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT, release_version would be 1.0.14.
    • new_version should be a SNAPSHOT version with a new patch version. For example, if master is currently on version 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT, new_version would be 1.0.14-SNAPSHOT.
  2. Release the images with the image specific release workflow.

    • release_version is the version that will be released. This should be the same value as used in step 1.

After this release is finished the new version must be added to the release candidate manifest.

The following sections of the manifest need to have their version tag updated to the newly released version of the API ML (the value used in release_version):

  • jobs repository tag version under sourceDependencies
  • jobs-api tag version under imageDependencies