ROSALIND is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Here are my solutions. Please ⭐ this repo if it helps you❤️!
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problems & solutions:
- 2SAT: 2-Satisfiability [info] [code]
- 2SUM: 2SUM [info] [code]
- 3SUM: 3SUM [info] [code]
- AFRQ: Counting Disease Carriers [info] [code]
- ASPC: Introduction to Alternative Splicing [info] [code]
- BA1A: Compute the Number of Times a Pattern Appears in a Text [info] [code]
- BA1B: Find the Most Frequent Words in a String [info] [code]
- BA1C: Find the Reverse Complement of a String [info] [code]
- BA1D: Find All Occurrences of a Pattern in a String [info] [code]
- BA1E: Find Patterns Forming Clumps in a String [info] [code]
- BA1F: Find a Position in a Genome Minimizing the Skew [info] [code]
- BA1G: Compute the Hamming Distance Between Two Strings [info] [code]
- BA1H: Find All Approximate Occurrences of a Pattern in a String [info] [code]
- BA1I: Find the Most Frequent Words with Mismatches in a String [info] [code]
- BA1J: Find Frequent Words with Mismatches and Reverse Complements [info] [code]
- BA1K: Generate the Frequency Array of a String [info] [code]
- BA1L: Implement PatternToNumber [info] [code]
- BA1M: Implement NumberToPattern [info] [code]
- BA1N: Generate the d-Neighborhood of a String [info] [code]
- BA2A: Implement MotifEnumeration [info] [code]
- BA2B: Find a Median String [info] [code]
- BA2C: Find a Profile-most Probable k-mer in a String [info] [code]
- BA2D: Implement GreedyMotifSearch [info] [code]
- BA2H: Implement DistanceBetweenPatternAndStrings [info] [code]
- BA3A: Generate the k-mer Composition of a String [info] [code]
- BA3B: Reconstruct a String from its Genome Path [info] [code]
- BA3C: Construct the Overlap Graph of a Collection of k-mers [info] [code]
- BA3D: Construct the De Bruijn Graph of a String [info] [code]
- BA3E: Construct the De Bruijn Graph of a Collection of k-mers [info] [code]
- BA5A: Find the Minimum Number of Coins Needed to Make Change [info] [code]
- BA5B: Find the Length of a Longest Path in a Manhattan-like Grid [info] [code]
- BA5C: Find a Longest Common Subsequence of Two Strings [info] [code]
- BA10A: Compute the Probability of a Hidden Path [info] [code]
- BA10B: Compute the Probability of an Outcome Given a Hidden Path [info] [code]
- BF: Bellman-Ford Algorithm [info] [code]
- BFIL: Base Filtration by Quality [info] [code]
- BFS: Breadth-First Search [info] [code]
- BIP: Testing Bipartiteness [info] [code]
- BPHR: Base Quality Distribution [info] [code]
- CAT: Catalan Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures [info] [code]
- CC: Connected Components [info] [code]
- CLUS: Global Multiple Alignment [info] [code]
- CONS: Consensus and Profile [info] [code]
- CONV: Comparing Spectra with the Spectral Convolution [info] [code]
- CORR: Error Correction in Reads [info] [code]
- CTE: Shortest Cycle Through a Given Edge [info] [code]
- DAG: Testing Acyclicity [info] [code]
- DBPR: Introduction to Protein Databases [info] [code]
- DDEG: Double-Degree Array [info] [code]
- DEG: Degree Array [info] [code]
- DIJ: Dijkstra's Algorithm [info] [code]
- DNA: Counting DNA Nucleotides [info] [code]
- EDIT: Edit Distance [info] [code]
- EDTA: Edit Distance Alignment [info] [code]
- EVAL: Expected Number of Restriction Sites [info] [code]
- FIB: Rabbits and Recurrence Relations [info] [code]
- FIBD: Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits [info] [code]
- FIBO: Fibonacci Numbers [info] [code]
- FILT: Read Filtration by Quality [info] [code]
- FOUN: The Founder Effect and Genetic Drift [info] [code]
- FRMT: Data Formats [info] [code]
- FULL: Inferring Peptide from Full Spectrum [info] [code]
- GBK: GenBank Introduction [info] [code]
- GC: Computing GC Content [info] [code]
- GRPH: Overlap Graphs [info] [code]
- GS: General Sink [info] [code]
- HAMM: Counting Point Mutations [info] [code]
- HDAG: Hamiltonian Path in DAG [info] [code]
- HEA: Building a Heap [info] [code]
- HS: Heap Sort [info] [code]
- IEV: Calculating Expected Offspring [info] [code]
- INDC: Independent Segregation of Chromosomes [info] [code]
- INI: Introduction to the Bioinformatics Armory [info] [code]
- INI1: Installing Python [info] [code]
- INI2: Variables and Some Arithmetic [info] [code]
- INI3: Strings and Lists [info] [code]
- INI4: Conditions and Loops [info] [code]
- INI5: Working with Files [info] [code]
- INI6: Dictionaries [info] [code]
- INOD: Counting Phylogenetic Ancestors [info] [code]
- INS: Insertion Sort [info] [code]
- INV: Counting Inversions [info] [code]
- IPRB: Mendel's First Law [info] [code]
- KMER: k-Mer Composition [info] [code]
- KMP: Speeding Up Motif Finding [info] [code]
- LCSM: Finding a Shared Motif [info] [code]
- LCSQ: Finding a Shared Spliced Motif [info] [code]
- LEXF: Enumerating k-mers Lexicographically [info] [code]
- LEXV: Ordering Strings of Varying Length Lexicographically [info] [code]
- LGIS: Longest Increasing Subsequence [info] [code]
- LIA: Independent Alleles [info] [code]
- LONG: Genome Assembly as Shortest Superstring [info] [code]
- MAJ: Majority Element [info] [code]
- MED: Median [info] [code]
- MEME: New Motif Discovery [info] [code]
- MEND: Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree [info] [code]
- MER: Merge Two Sorted Arrays [info] [code]
- MMCH: Maximum Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures [info] [code]
- MOTZ: Motzkin Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures [info] [code]
- MPRT: Finding a Protein Motif [info] [code]
- MRNA: Inferring mRNA from Protein [info] [code]
- NEED: Pairwise Global Alignment [info] [code]
- NWC: Negative Weight Cycle [info] [code]
- NWCK: Distances in Trees [info] [code]
- ORF: Open Reading Frames [info] [code]
- ORFR: Finding Genes with ORFs [info] [code]
- PAR: 2-Way Partition [info] [code]
- PAR3: 3-Way Partition [info] [code]
- PDST: Creating a Distance Matrix [info] [code]
- PERM: Enumerating Gene Orders [info] [code]
- PHRE: Read Quality Distribution [info] [code]
- PMCH: Perfect Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures [info] [code]
- PPER: Partial Permutations [info] [code]
- PROB: Introduction to Random Strings [info] [code]
- PROT: Translating RNA into Protein [info] [code]
- PRSM: Matching a Spectrum to a Protein [info] [code]
- PRTM: Calculating Protein Mass [info] [code]
- PS: Partial Sort [info] [code]
- PTRA: Protein Translation [info] [code]
- QS: Quick Sort [info] [code]
- REAR: Reversal Distance [info] [code]
- REVC: Complementing a Strand of DNA [info] [code]
- REVP: Locating Restriction Sites [info] [code]
- RNA: Transcribing DNA into RNA [info] [code]
- RNAS: Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures [info] [code]
- RSTR: Matching Random Motifs [info] [code]
- RVCO: Complementing a Strand of DNA [info] [code]
- SC: Semi-Connected Graph [info] [code]
- SCC: Strongly Connected Components [info] [code]
- SCSP: Interleaving Two Motifs [info] [code]
- SDAG: Shortest Paths in DAG [info] [code]
- SETO: Introduction to Set Operations [info] [code]
- SEXL: Sex-Linked Inheritance [info] [code]
- SGRA: Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides [info] [code]
- SIGN: Enumerating Oriented Gene Orderings [info] [code]
- SORT: Sorting by Reversals [info] [code]
- SPEC: Inferring Protein from Spectrum [info] [code]
- SPLC: RNA Splicing [info] [code]
- SQ: Square in a Graph [info] [code]
- SSEQ: Finding a Spliced Motif [info] [code]
- SSET: Counting Subsets [info] [code]
- SUBO: Suboptimal Local Alignment [info] [code]
- SUBS: Finding a Motif in DNA [info] [code]
- TFSQ: FASTQ format introduction [info] [code]
- TRAN: Transitions and Transversions [info] [code]
- TREE: Completing a Tree [info] [code]
- TRIE: Introduction to Pattern Matching [info] [code]
- TS: Topological Sorting [info] [code]
- WFMD: The Wright-Fisher Model of Genetic Drift [info] [code]