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Tophat bandpasses simulation: high resolution foregrounds with spectral index not varying spatially and extragalactic

Tag: mbs-s0006-20190705

Released on 5 July 2019 by @zonca

This is the first release using tophat bandpasses, all previous releases used Dirac delta bandpasses at the reference frequency. It includes all galactic high resolution components with index not varying spatially and the extragalactic components based on WebSky.

The last version of this file is available on Github. The same folder contains all the configuration files used and the scripts to create SLURM jobs.

Input components

Each component is saved separately, all maps are in uK_CMB, IQU or I, single precision (float32)

Dust, synchrotron, free-free and anomalous microwave emission using the "0" models, i.e. SO_d0, SO_s0, SO_f0, and SO_a0, see more details in in the documentation.

The CIB, KSZ and TSZ models are created from WebSky cosmological simulations, we also include one CMB realization generated with the same cosmological parameters used in the WebSky simulations both unlensed and lensed with the potential from the WebSky simulations, see more details in in the documentation.

I also created a version of the lensed CMB realization with the dipole component replaced by the HFI 2018 solar dipole, this was requested by @keskitalo to highligh temperature to polarization leakage in LAT.

Instrument properties

Bandpass for each channel is based on the figures in sotodlib, PySM executes 10 equally spaced points between the low and the high limit, including both and integrates with the trapezoidal rule. Weighting is performed in Jy/sr, the same as PySM 2. For the middle frequencies we have 2 possible bands which have slightly different bandpasses, therefore instead of tagging the maps by frequency, I use the band name. Here is the table to link the band name to the reference frequencies, the actual center frequencies are available in sotodlib:

Band Reference freq [GHz]
LF1 27
LF2 39
MFF1 93
MFF2 145
MFS1 93
MFS2 145
UHF1 225
UHF2 280

Beams are now read from sotodlib.

Important notice about beams: The beams used for all previous releases were read from and had obsolete values for SAT (in arcmin):

beam_SAT_27 = 91.
beam_SAT_39 = 63.
beam_SAT_93 = 30.
beam_SAT_145 = 17.
beam_SAT_225 = 11.
beam_SAT_280 = 9.

The new SAT beams are instead:

beam_SAT_27 = 144.
beam_SAT_39 = 99.
beam_SAT_93 = 42.
beam_SAT_145 = 27.
beam_SAT_225 = 19.
beam_SAT_280 = 17.

LAT beams are unchanged.

Available maps

HEALPix maps at high resolution (nside 4096) and low resolution (nside 512), these models are deterministic, so we have a set for each resolution for all channels. All maps are full-sky, see the 201906_noise_no_lowell release for hitmaps.

Reference frame for the maps is Equatorial. The ell_max for the harmonics transform is 3*Nside-1.

Location at NERSC:


The naming convention is:



  • content is [dust, synchtrotron, freefree, ame] for galactic components and [ksz, tsz, cib] for extragalactic components
  • content for the available CMB is [cmb, cmb_unlensed, cmb_lensed_solardipole]
  • CIB map for LF1 is missing, see issue on Github
  • num is 0
  • telescope is sa or la
  • band is the channel band, the options are: LF1,LF2,MFF1,MFF2,MFS1,MFS2,UHF1,UHF2

[TODO] backup to tape. Backed up to tape in ~zonca/sobs/mbs/201906_highres_foregrounds_extragalactic_tophat.

Combined maps

Also created a single set of maps which is the sum of all components (for CMB cmb_lensed_solardipole) to be used as input to some of the TOD simulations (which don't require running PySM on the fly). They are in the same folder and same naming convention with content equal to combined_solardip, e.g.:


Galactic masks

See The 201904_highres_foregrounds_equatorial release

Issues or feedback

In case of any problem with the maps or the documentation or request more/different runs, open an issue on the map_based_simulations repo


  • PySM 3 is available at, need to create the documentation and release 3.0.0, used commit 7e65e94
  • sotodlib version 7290c1b
  • The PySM components are available in the so_pysm_models package, version 2.0.0 to be released after updating documentation(b1cd9be), see the documentation
  • The runner script is available in the mapsims package, version 2.0.0 to be released after updating documentation (0ad98ec), see the documentation