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Personal Website

The code for my static personal website. Project and Publication data is read from a .json file by a Python script, which generates additional pages of the website. Javascript on the page also reads from the .json file and generates a dynamically laid out grid based on a recursive algorithm.


Gulp will auto-recompile and build the code for easy development.

The main gulp command in gulp dev which starts an http server. When python or sass files are changed, they are recompiled.

Running gulp build will build python and sass files.

(Building the python files also updates the date at the bottom of the page.)


In order to deploy through github pages, a new branch with the website subdirectory as its root must be created to do this, run the command

git subtree push --prefix website  origin gh-pages

If the subtree push fails mysteriously, try deleting the local & remote gh-pages branch with

git push -d origin gh-pages
git branch -d gh-pages

and then run the above command again. [This is probably not the best way to fix this...]