-- import "github.com/PromonLogicalis/asn1"
Package asn1 implements encoding and decoding of ASN.1 data structures using both Basic Encoding Rules (BER) or its subset Distinguished Encoding Rules (BER).
This package is highly inspired by the Go standard package "encoding/asn1" while supporting additional features such as BER encoding and decoding and ASN.1 CHOICE types.
By default and for convenience the package uses DER for encoding and BER for encoding. However, it's possible to use a Context object to set the desired encoding and decoding rules and other options.
- BER allows STRING types, such as OCTET STRING and BIT STRING, to be encoded as constructed types containing inner elements that should be concatenated to form the complete string. The package does not support that, but in the future decoding of constructed strings should be added.
func Decode(data []byte, obj interface{}) (rest []byte, err error)
Decode parses the given BER data into obj. The argument obj should be a reference to the value that will hold the parsed data. Decode uses a default Context and is equivalent to:
rest, err := asn1.NewContext().Decode(data, &obj)
func DecodeWithOptions(data []byte, obj interface{}, options string) (rest []byte, err error)
DecodeWithOptions parses the given BER data into obj using the additional options. The argument obj should be a reference to the value that will hold the parsed data. Decode uses a default Context and is equivalent to:
rest, err := asn1.NewContext().DecodeWithOptions(data, &obj, options)
func Encode(obj interface{}) (data []byte, err error)
Encode returns the DER encoding of obj. Encode uses a default Context and it's equivalent to:
data, err = asn1.NewContext().Encode(obj)
func EncodeWithOptions(obj interface{}, options string) (data []byte, err error)
EncodeWithOptions returns the DER encoding of obj using additional options. EncodeWithOptions uses a default Context and it's equivalent to:
data, err = asn1.NewContext().EncodeWithOptions(obj, options)
type Choice struct {
Type reflect.Type
Options string
Choice represents one option available for a CHOICE element.
type Context struct {
Context keeps options that affect the ASN.1 encoding and decoding
Use the NewContext() function to create a new Context instance:
ctx := ber.NewContext()
// Set options, ex:
// And call decode or encode functions
bytes, err := ctx.EncodeWithOptions(value, "explicit,application,tag:5")
func NewContext() *Context
NewContext creates and initializes a new context. The returned Context does not contains any registered choice and it's set to DER encoding and BER decoding.
func (ctx *Context) AddChoice(choice string, entries []Choice) error
AddChoice registers a list of types as options to a given choice.
The string choice refers to a choice name defined into an element via additional options for DecodeWithOptions and EncodeWithOptions of via struct tags.
For example, considering that a field "Value" can be an INTEGER or an OCTET STRING indicating two types of errors, each error with a different tag number, the following can be used:
// Error types
type SimpleError string
type ComplextError string
// The main object
type SomeSequence struct {
// ...
Value interface{} `asn1:"choice:value"`
// ...
// A Context with the registered choices
ctx := asn1.NewContext()
ctx.AddChoice("value", []asn1.Choice {
Type: reflect.TypeOf(int(0)),
Type: reflect.TypeOf(SimpleError("")),
Options: "tag:1",
Type: reflect.TypeOf(ComplextError("")),
Options: "tag:2",
Some important notes:
Any choice value must be an interface. During decoding the necessary type will be allocated to keep the parsed value.
The INTEGER type will be encoded using its default class and tag number and it's not necessary to specify any Options for it.
The two "error" types in our example are encoded as strings, in order to make possible to differentiate both types during encoding they actually need to be different types. This is solved by defining two alias types: SimpleError and ComplextError.
Since both errors use the same encoding type, ASN.1 says they must have distinguished tags. For that, the appropriate tag is defined for each type.
To encode a choice value, all that is necessary is to set the choice field with the proper object. To decode a choice value, a type switch can be used to determine with choice type was used.
func (ctx *Context) Decode(data []byte, obj interface{}) (rest []byte, err error)
Decode parses the given data into obj. The argument obj should be a reference to the value that will hold the parsed data.
See (*Context).DecodeWithOptions() for further details.
func (ctx *Context) DecodeWithOptions(data []byte, obj interface{}, options string) (rest []byte, err error)
DecodeWithOptions parses the given data into obj using the additional options. The argument obj should be a reference to the value that will hold the parsed data.
It uses the reflect package to inspect obj and decode the ASN.1 data structure provided by data. The Context defines the decoding rules (BER or DER) and the types available for CHOICE types.
The asn1 package maps Go types to ASN.1 data structures. The package also provides types to specific ASN.1 data structures. The default mapping is shown in the table below:
Go type | ASN.1 universal tag
bool | BOOLEAN
All int and uint types | INTEGER
*big.Int | INTEGER
asn1.Null | NULL
Any array or slice | SEQUENCE OF
Any struct | SEQUENCE
Arrays and slices are decoded using different rules. A slice is always appended while an array requires an exact number of elements, otherwise a ParseError is returned.
The default mapping can be changed using options provided in the argument options (for the root value) or via struct tags for struct fields. Struct tags use the namei space "asn1".
The available options for encoding and decoding are:
This option requires an numeric argument (ie: "tag:1") and indicates that a element is encoded and decoded as a context specific element with the given tag number. The context specific class can be overridden with the options "application" or "universal".
Sets the tag class to universal. Requires "tag".
Sets the tag class to application. Requires "tag".
Indicates the element is encoded with an enclosing tag. It's usually used in conjunction with "tag".
Indicates that an element can be suppressed.
A missing element that is not marked with "optional" or "default" causes a ParseError to be returned during decoding. A missing element marked as optional is left untouched.
During encoding, a zero value elements is suppressed from output if it's marked as optional.
This option is handled similarly to the "optional" option but requires a numeric argument (ie: "default:1").
A missing element that is marked with "default" is set to the given default value during decoding.
A zero value marked with "default" is suppressed from output when encoding is set to DER or is encoded with the given default value when encoding is set to BER.
This option is used only during encoding and causes a constructed element to be encoded using the indefinite form.
Indicates that an element can be of one of several types as defined by (*Context).AddChoice()
Indicates that a struct, array or slice should be encoded and decoded as a SET instead of a SEQUENCE.
It also affects the way that structs are encoded and decoded in DER. A struct marked with "set" has its fields always encoded in the ascending order of its tags, instead of following the order that the fields are defined in the struct.
Similarly, a struct marked with "set" always enforces that same order when decoding in DER.
func (ctx *Context) Encode(obj interface{}) (data []byte, err error)
Encode returns the ASN.1 encoding of obj.
See (*Context).EncodeWithOptions() for further details.
func (ctx *Context) EncodeWithOptions(obj interface{}, options string) (data []byte, err error)
EncodeWithOptions returns the ASN.1 encoding of obj using additional options.
See (*Context).DecodeWithOptions() for further details regarding types and options.
func (this *Context) SetDer(encoding bool, decoding bool)
SetDer sets DER mode for encofing and decoding.
func (this *Context) SetLogger(logger *log.Logger)
SetLogger defines the logger used.
type Null struct{}
Null is used to encode and decode ASN.1 NULLs.
type Oid []uint
Oid is used to encode and decode ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIERs.
func (oid Oid) Cmp(other Oid) int
Cmp returns zero if both Oids are the same, a negative value if oid lexicographically precedes other and a positive value otherwise.
func (oid Oid) String() string
String returns the dotted representation of oid.
type ParseError struct {
Msg string
ParseError is returned by the package to indicate that the given data is invalid.
func (e *ParseError) Error() string
Error returns the error message of a ParseError.
type SyntaxError struct {
Msg string
SyntaxError is returned by the package to indicate that the given value or struct is invalid.
func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string
Error returns the error message of a SyntaxError.