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Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
android 4.4以上沉浸式状态栏和沉浸式导航栏管理,适配横竖屏切换、刘海屏、软键盘弹出等问题,可以修改状态栏字体颜色和导航栏图标颜色,以及不可修改字体颜色手机的适配,适用于Activity、Fragment、DialogFragment、Dialog,PopupWindow,一句代码轻松实现,以及对bar的其他设置,详见README。简书请参考:http://www.jianshu.c…
Android runtime permissions powered by RxJava2
A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator, TabLayout and PagerSlidingTabStrip —— 强大、可定制、易扩展的 ViewPager 指示器框架。是ViewPagerInd…
[DEPRECATED] Apply background tinting to the Android system UI when using KitKat translucent modes
This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging.贴纸标签相机,功能:拍照,相片裁剪,给图片贴贴纸,打标签。
This is a leanback style tv launcher(minSdkVersion 17)
converts binary PDF to JSON and text, for server-side PDF processing and command-line use.
👍 Android Fingerprint Verification SDK
A Material design Android pincode library. Supports Fingerprint.
CNode 社区第三方 Android 原生客户端,Material Design 风格,支持夜间模式
Charting library for Android applications. Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/achartengine
RSKj is a Java implementation of the Rootstock protocol.
A small library replicating the new dialogs in android L.
📸 🖼️ Shows a DialogFragment with camera and gallery options. User can choose which provider wants to pick images from.
Interactive Brokers TWS API client library for Node.js
react native chart modules come from mpandroidchart.
Replication of the Twitter's splash animation as seen on the Twitter iOS app.