tj/commander.js - For command line parsing - and cooking command line interfaces.
chalk/chalk - For colouring strings in the terminal. A typical Sorhus style micro module that uses other micro modules to accomplish its goals.
yarnpkg/berry - package manager.
When your app becomes big, dependency graphs on module level will become impractical. Dependency-cruiser can consolidate modules (+ their dependencies) and colour them. Consolidation works out of the box for many repositories, but can be configured to your own liking.
Here's the resulting get high level dependency graph for berry:
To get the above graph we used berry-dependency-cruiser-config.js. To generate it yourself do this in the root of the berry repo:
(with yarn v2 :-))yarn add -D dependency-cruiser
rm -f berry-dependency-cruiser-config.js
- add these two lines to the
section of the package.json (so don't use the globally installed depcruise or even the locally installed one - yarn's pnp resolution won't work otherwise:)"dc": "depcruise --version && depcruise --config berry-dependency-cruiser-config.js --output-type err packages", "depcruise:archi": "depcruise --version && depcruise --config berry-dependency-cruiser-config.js --output-type archi packages | dot -T svg | tee berry-high-level-dependencies.svg | depcruise-wrap-stream-in-html > berry-high-level-dependencies.html",
- run
yarn depcruise:archi
facebook/react - "a JavaScript library for building user interfaces".
Also high level:
To get the above graph we used react-dependency-cruiser-config.js. To generate it yourself do this in the root of the react repo:
- prepare
git clone
cd react
yarn add -D -W dependency-cruiser
rm -f react-dependency-cruiser-config.js
Add these run-scripts to the package.json:
"dc": "depcruise --version && depcruise --ignore-known --config react-dependency-cruiser-config.js -T err packages/*/{*.js,src}", "depcruise:baseline": "depcruise --version && depcruise-baseline packages/*/{*.js,src} --config react-dependency-cruiser-config.js", "depcruise:archi": "depcruise --ignore-known --config react-dependency-cruiser-config.js -T archi packages/*/{*.js,src} | dot -T svg | tee react-high-level-dependencies.svg | depcruise-wrap-stream-in-html > react-high-level-dependencies.html
yarn depcruise:baseline
yarn depcruise:archi
substack/safe-regex - for sanity checking regular expressions against exponential time errors. For everyone who enables users to input regular expressions in.
substack/node-resolve - resolves (node) module names to files on disk.
yargs/yargs - Another library to parse command line options/ cook command line interfaces.
It is possible to use dependency-cruiser to infer dependencies of typescript projects.
We got the picture of tslint by running this in its source folder:
dependency-cruise -T dot -x node_modules -v -- src/index.ts | dot -T png > tslint-without-node_modules.png
(Yep, that's all - no separate transpilation steps necessary ...)
palantir/tslint - linter for typescript.
The orange lines are warnings for circular dependencies, which occur around two of
tslint's 'barrel' index.ts
In the same vein dependency-cruiser directly supports CoffeeScript.
In the src
folder of the CoffeeScript repo run this:
depcruise -x node_modules -T dot . | dot -T png > coffee-script-coffee-without-node_modules.png
jashkenas/coffeescript - the CoffeeScript transpiler:
(You see one module flagged as unresolvable - this is the parser code that the CoffeeScript build script generates jison into the folder with transpiled JavaScript.)
Dependency cruiser used on itself, focusing on internal dependencies only, on three levels of abstraction - high level, folder and modules. A small custom theme in its configuration colours the various main parts (extract, validate, report) and the dependencies to them. Click for slightly more interactive versions.
To generate this yourself do this in the root of the dependency-cruiser repo:
node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js bin src --config --output-type archi | \
# format the output with dot. For this specific graph top-down (TD)
# orientation works best
dot -T svg -Grankdir=TD | \
# save the svg
tee doc/real-world-samples/dependency-cruiser-archi-graph.svg | \
# process the svg into an interactive html graph
node bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js > docs/dependency-cruiser-archi-graph.html
the only repository in the world you can't use the commands
is dependency-cruiser's own - instead we run the JavaScript files frombin
directly. If you adapt the script for your own use replacenode ./bin/dependency-cruise.js
,node ./bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js
To generate this yourself do this in the root of the dependency-cruiser repo:
node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js bin src --config --output-type ddot | \
# format the output with dot. For this specific graph top-down (TD)
# orientation works best
dot -T svg -Grankdir=TD | \
# save the svg
tee doc/real-world-samples/dependency-cruiser-dir-graph.svg | \
# process the svg into an interactive html graph
node bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js > docs/dependency-cruiser-dir-graph.html
the only repository in the world you can't use the commands
is dependency-cruiser's own - instead we run the JavaScript files frombin
directly. If you adapt the script for your own use replacenode ./bin/dependency-cruise.js
,node ./bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js
To generate this yourself do this in the root of the dependency-cruiser repo:
# The --prefix will make sure that any links in the report open in vscode
# You can alternatively configure this in your .dependency-cruiser.js
node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js bin src --prefix vscode://file/$(pwd)/ --config --output-type dot | \
# format the output with dot
dot -T svg |\
# process the svg into an interactive html graph
node ./bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js |\
# The browser command opens the graph-in-html just produced in your
# default browser
the only repository in the world you can't use the commands
is dependency-cruiser's own. Instead we run the JavaScript files frombin
directly. Alternatively, in the dependency-cruiser repo you can run a script from package.json to get this result as well:depcruise:graph:view
- which also opens the graph. If you adapt the script for your own use replacenode ./bin/dependency-cruise.js
,node ./bin/wrap-stream-in-html.js
sverweij/state-machine-cat - an interpreter for writing nice state diagrams. Click for a slightly more interactive version. As you can see this graph does not group modules from same folders into clusters. Instead it uses only colors for 'grouping' and notes the folder name in the nodes. It's what the 'flat' graph reporter does for you. See the howto foldout below to see how to reproduce it.
(For this too: click for a slightly more interactive version)
git clone
cd state-machine-cat
npm install
npx depcruise src bin/smcat --progress \
--config config/dependency-cruiser-graph.js \
--output-type flat \
| dot -Tsvg \
| tee docs/dependency-cruiser-graph-flat-dot.svg \
| npx depcruise-wrap-stream-in-html \
> docs/dependency-cruiser-graph-flat-dot.html
mscgenjs/mscgenjs-core - an interpreter library for turning text (in MscGen or two other DSLs) into sequence charts. Click for a slightly more interactive version.