PHP、MySQL分库分表中间件,需要依赖PDO,PHP分库分表,支持协程(PHP, MySQL sharding library and sharding table middleware, need to rely on PDO, support coroutines.)
Alipay global Third Party SDK with Authorization and Auto debit. Alipay 国际版 A+ 接口第三方 PHP SDK,实现了现金支付、用户授权、自动代扣和 RSA2 加密异步通知应答,示例完整,使用简单
UsualTool Framework (UT) is based on PHP multi-end development framework, class library perfect, suitable for the development of various types of applications.
laravel5.5 react做后台hexo-next主题的blog站,php开发
an excel export/import tool for laravel based on php-xlswriter
Crawl, match, parse IP or IP range, check if IP or range is in another range. Support IPv4, IPv6, IP Interval, Wildcard and CIDR. Check if IP is Cloudflare node IP, Google bot IP. 爬取,正则匹配,解析 IP 和 I…
Developing PHP SDK for any API. 为任何 API 快速开发 PHP SDK